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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3QHFTX

TP General - Mwave 2.25 installation support for Windows 95/98

Applicable to: World-Wide

To obtain the necessary diskettes, click here.

To install Mwave 2.25 for Windows 95/98, follow these simple steps:
1.) Insert Mwave 2.25 diskette number 1 into the floppy drive.
2.) Click on Start, then Run, and type a:\setup in the dialog box and then click on OK.
3.) If you have a previous version of Mwave installed, it will say that it has detected a previous version and ask if it is OK to upgrade or overwrite the existing files. Click on Yes to continue.
4.) It will then say that it needs to restart Windows to remove Mwave from memory. Click on OK to continue. Remove the diskette when prompted to and click OK.
5.) When prompted, reinsert disk 1, make sure it says A:\ in the dialog box, and click OK to continue.
6.) You are then given the option to complete the Mwave installation of to uninstall the previous version of Mwave. Make sure Uninstall all of Mwave ThinkPad System is selected and then click on OK.
7.) Click OK when it says that Mwave has been removed from your system. When prompted, remove the diskette and click on OK to continue.
8.) Click on OK again to restart the computer.
9.) On restart, Windows 95 will have detected new hardware. Select the option Do not install a driver and click on OK to continue.
10.) Insert Mwave 2.25 diskette number 1 into the floppy drive.
11.) Click on Start, then Run, and type a:\setup in the dialog box and then click on OK.
12.) You will be asked where you want to install the drivers. Click on OK to accept the default.
13.) Insert disks 2 and 3 when prompted and click OK to continue.
14.) After the installation is complete, it will tell you that the modem speed has been set to 28.8. Click on OK to continue.
15.) Remove the diskette from the floppy drive and click on Yes to restart the computer.
16.) After restarting the computer, Windows 95/98 will detect new hardware and install the drivers for it. After doing so, press Yes to restart the computer.

The installation adds the following line to your config.sys file:

The installation adds the following lines to your autoexec.bat file:
REM The following is used by DOS games to recognize Sound Blaster hardware.
REM If hardware settings are changed, please change this line as well.
REM See the Mwave README file for instructions.

It also appends C:\MWW; to the SET PATH = statement in your autoexec.bat file

Device Manager will list the following:
- IBM Mwave Digital Signal Processors
- IBM ThinkPad Mwave DSP
- Modem
- ThinkPad 33.6 Data Fax VOD Modem
- Ports (COM&LPT)
-IBM Mwave Communications Port (COM2)
- Sound, video and game controllers
- Gameport Joystick
- IBM Mwave Audio Device
- IBM Mwave MPU-401 Compatible Device
- IBM Mwave SoundBlaster Compatible Device

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 755CE/CSE, ThinkPad 755CX, ThinkPad 755CV, ThinkPad 755CD, ThinkPad 755CDV, ThinkPad 760C, ThinkPad 760E, ThinkPad 760CD, ThinkPad 760ED, ThinkPad 760XD, ThinkPad 765D

Machine Type

9545, 9546




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