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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3LCJKF

IBM 3153 ASCII Terminal Display - Recommended AS/400 setup parameters

Applicable to: World-Wide

The 3153 Marketing Reference Guide (G520-9415) contains information regarding recommended 3153 setup parameters
for AS/400 attachment.

It is available via the IBM PSG Fax System:
- call 1-800-IBM-3395 (U.S. only.)
- call 1-919-517-0011 (Worldwide - enter country code.)
and request document #10005.

By IBM Fax Service:
- call 1-800-IBM-4FAX and request document #5704 (U.S. only.)

Note: The IBM 3153 Factory Default Setup Values were selected based on RS/6000 attachment.

The following are some key 3153 setup values that are recommended for AS/400 attachment:
Auto Wrap = Off
Return Key = New Line
Send Key = Page
Enter Key = Send
Insert Character = Space
New Line = <CR>
Recv <CR> = <CR>
Turnaround Character = <ETX>

Key 3153 Setup Values for AS/400 Attachment:
- Auto Wrap determines what the cursor does when it reaches the right margin:
- Recommend Auto Wrap=Off
- If Auto Wrap=On, the cursor will move to the next row, first column. The AS/400 menus, applications may not display correctly.
- Recv <CR> determines what the cursor does when it receives a <CR> character:
- Recommend Recv <CR>=<CR>
- If Recv <CR>=<CR><LF>, the AS/400 menus, applications may not display correctly.
- Enter Key (numeric keypad) determines what the Enter does:
- Recommend Enter Key=Send
- If Enter=Return, the Enter Key performs that same function as the return (key above the right shift).
- Turnaround Character determines what character is used in conjunction with various Function Keys (F1, F3, F12).
- Recommend Turnaround Character=<ETX>
- If Turnaround Character=<CR> or <EOT> or <DC3>, many of the function keys will not work.

Related IBM AS/400 Publications:
- AS/400 Physical Planning Guide and Reference V2: GA41-9571
- AS/400 ASCII Workstation Reference V2 R3: SA41-9922
- AS/400 Workstation Customization Programming V3 R1.0: SC41-3605
- AS/400 ASCII Workstation Reference V3 R1.0: SA41-3130
- AS/400 Physical Planning Reference V3 R1.0: SA41-3109
- AS/400 Physical Planning Reference V3 R6: SA41-4109

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