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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3N2PCP

PC Server 325/330 - Onboard ethernet fails with drivers

Applicable to: World-Wide

- The LAN attached clients cannot see the server.
- Local client login results in screen lockup, subsequent LAN attached client login results in release of local screen.

Problem Isolation Aids
All of the following must be true for this TIP to apply:

- The system is a PC Server type 8640 model PT0/PB0/PM0/11Y or a PC Server type 8639 model PT0/PTW/PB0/RB0/1RY.
- The network operating installed is Windows NT ver. 4.0 or NetWare ver. 3.12/4.10/4.11
- The onboard Ethernet controller drivers used are ver. 3.2
- The onboard Ethernet controller is enabled.

For NetWare (installed from shrinkwrap or ServerGuide 3.0 +):
From the "Ethernet Support Diskette" ver 3.1.1 that shipped with the server, copy all the files from the A:\novell\server \3.1x or \4.10 or 4.11 (whichever applies) to the C:\nwserver directory (C:\server.312 directory for NetWare 3.12 only). This will ensure that the Ethernet version 3.1 LAN drivers are in place.

Note: the NetWare driver files per NetWare versions are:

NetWare 3.1x:
PCNTNW LAN 21420 6-30-95 3:00a

NetWare 4.10:
PCNTNW LAN 21420 6-30-95 3:00a
PCNTNW LDI 6193 6-30-95 3:00a
OEMSETUP INF 36814 8-11-96 8:44p

NetWare 4.11:
OEMSETUP INF 36814 6-30-95 3:00a
PCNTNW LAN 20958 6-27-96 3:20p
PCNTNW LDI 12236 10-09-96 5:07p
PCNTNW INF 12977 10-07-96 4:47p

For Windows NT (installed from shrinkwrap or ServerGuide 3.0+)
1. Insert the "Ethernet Support Diskette" disk 1 of 2 ver 3.1.1 that shipped with the server into the floppy drive.
2. From the Control Panel in the Windows NT Main window, double click on the "Network" icon, single click on the "Adapters" tab.
3. In the "Network Settings" dialog box, click on the "AMD PCnet adapter, then click "Remove".
4. In the "Network Settings" dialog box, click "Add".
5. In the "Select Network Adapters" dialog box click "Have Disk".
6. In the Prompt box, enter: A:\WINNT
7. Click the "AMD PCnet Family Ethernet Adapter" from the dialog box, then click "OK".
Note: all of the new drivers associated files will be copied but the actual LAN driver itself will not.
8. Go to a command prompt and copy the AMDPCN.SYS file from A:\WINNT to C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS
Note: if the target path is different/unknown, then copy from A:\WINNT to %SYSTEMROOT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS
10. Shutdown and restart the server for the new driver to take effect.
Note: the LAN driver files for Windows NT ver 4.0 are:

PCNET HLP 11365 3-28-95 1:57p
AMDDLG DLL 5120 6-26-95 9:37p
AMDPCN SYS 31728 2-03-96 5:28a
OEMSETUP INF 40446 7-10-96 12:58a
NDIS3X TXT 3747 1-15-97 11:55a

Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation

NetWare is a trademark of Novell, Inc.

AMD is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

8640-PT0 8640-PB0 8640-PM0 8639-PT0
8639-PTW 8639-PB0 8639-RB0 WINDOWS

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Adapter Cards, NetWare, Retain, Windows NT

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 325, PC Server 330

Machine Type

8639, 8640


PT0; PB0; PM0; PTW; PB0; RB0; 11Y; 1RY


Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes

Owning B.U.:USA, USA=A, EMA=A, AFE=A