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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3APDYZ

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TP 365X/XD - Keyboard spacer for suspend problem

Applicable to: World-Wide

Abstract :
2625 365X Keyboard Spacer for Suspend Problem.

Symptom :
Some IBM Thinkpad 365X/XD systems do not activate the keyboard position sensor switch when the keyboard is lowered into the operating position. This causes the system to enter hibernation mode when it is turned on or it prevents a system that is on from exiting hibernation.

Fix :
Spacer pads have been created to resolve this condition. They are contained in FRU Kit P/N 39H7105. Use the following instructions to attach the spacers pads.

Note :
Use this package only if this problem is occurring and the flexible mylar, covering the system components, is in the proper position and not deflecting the keybd upward.

Installation Instructions :
If an existing spacer pad is too thin place the Kit spacer(s) on it to increase its thickness. If there is no spacer use the following diagram to determine the correct placement of the Kit spacer pad(s).

Note : The spacer will be attached to underside of the keyboard opposite the "PrtSc" key.

| Keyboard in raised position, looking at underside.
| ___
| | |
| | | Spacer
| B

A Distance (Horiz)=1/8" (4mm)
B Distance (Vert) =1/8" (4mm)

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Hint Category

Input Devices, Power

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 365X/XD

Machine Type





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