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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3JJG5J

IBM PC330/PC350 - System hang in Windows 3.11 with Ethernet 10/100 adapter

Applicable to: World-Wide

IBM PC 300 Series 6571, 6573, 6581, and 6583 (PCI/ISA Models) may exhibit a system hang condition during network access with an IBM PCI Ethernet 10/100 adapter and IBMFEODI.COM v1.22 or older DOS ODI driver installed.

Problem Isolation Aids:
The system hang condition may occur during network access such as XCOPY to and from the server in Windows 3.11. The failure does not occur in a native DOS environment.

Affected PC 300 systems will have the IBMFEODI.COM v1.22 or older DOS ODI driver with a file date of 9/95 or earlier installed. This level of driver is capable of interrupt sharing. The PC 300 6571, 6573, 6581 and 6583 systems with an ISA/PCI riser installed DO NOT support interrupt sharing.

PS/ValuePoint Performance Series systems with an ISA/PCI riser installed and an IBM PCI Ethernet 10/100 adapter using the IBMFEODI.COM v1.22 or older driver may also be affected.

Install the updated DOS ODI driver IBMFEODI.COM, file date 1/19/96 or higher.
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Hint Category

Adapter Cards, DOS/Windows 3.x, Lock-up/Hang

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PC 330, PC 350

Machine Type

6571, 6573, 6581, 6583




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