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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: PSMS-3Q3KBR

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TP 365C/CD - System appears to be stuck in Hibernation mode

Applicable to: World-Wide

Customers are reporting problems with 365C/CD machines failing to boot correctly. The failing machines seem to be booting straight into hibernation mode and then switch off again. The problem has been isolated down to insufficient downward pressure from the keyboard making the ThinkPad believe the keyboard is lifted and therefore simply going straight to hibernation mode.

The problem can be determined as follows. Underneath the keyboard of the 365 is a small pad. This pushes down onto a small white button. If this problem is suspected then the machine should be booted with the keyboard open and this button manually pressed down. If the ThinkPad then boots correctly then this is the problem.

The problem can be resolved by increasing the height of the pad on the bottom of the keyboard, therefore making it press the button down with more force. Extra adhesive pads can be obtained from the IBM Help Center These can simply be attached to the existing pad and the problem resolved.

Search Keywords

Boot, hibernation, Suspend, keyboard, Switch

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 365C/CS, ThinkPad 365CD/CSD

Machine Type




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