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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-38BE42

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PC Server 320 - Power on/off

Applicable to: World-Wide

Concerning recovery from abnormal power off/on, situation is slightly different. When there is a power problem while the system is booting then after the next boot, system responds with an error message.
"120 previous boot incomplete, Default configuration used"
System now waits for a keyboard interrupt F1 to resume, F2 to setup. One can reproduce the problem bei just shutting off power while booting and then turn on power again.

The customer wants the system to still reboot after this problem, is there anyway around this?.
On the PC server 320, you can go into Setup ( F2 ) then Select - Advanced. In there you see a " POST ERRORS " Just disable this.
1. It will prevent the 120 message, and the system will bypass any errors and continue to Boot.
2. This is not availbale on the PC Server 300 only on the 320.

Related Products:
PC Server 320, PC Server 300

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IBM PC Server

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PC Server 300

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