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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-44LKYS

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TP 390,172x - Setting the inverter ID

Applicable to: World-Wide

After changing the inverter, the display does not work properly.

ThinkPad 390 or i Series 172x.

When changing the inverter, the inverter ID may need to be set for the proper panel size. The ID is set by using the CE utility diskette. To download the CE utility diskette, click here (). Follow the instructions below to set the ID after the proper new FRU has been installed.

You will need to hook the system up to an external display to follow the directions below.
1. Place the CE utility diskette in the diskette drive and boot the system.
2. Select option 1 to select the LCD Panel ID Utility.
3. Select the number for the proper display size.
4. Remove the diskette and press any key to reboot the system.

If you do not have an external display available, follow the instructions below.
1. Place the CE utility diskette in the diskette drive and boot the system.
2. Press the '1' key and then enter.
3. Press the number key corresponding to the proper display size.
'1' - 14.1" XGA TFT
'2' - 13.3" XGA TFT
'6' - 12.1" SVGA TFT
4. Remove the diskette and press any key to reboot the system.

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Hint Category

General Information, Display/Monitor

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 390, ThinkPad i Series 172x

Machine Type

2626, 2627




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