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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-464JVU

TP General - Common questions and answers for CoSession Remote 32

Applicable to: World-Wide


Q1. What are the minimum system requirements for CoSession Remote 32?
A1. Processor: Intel 486 or higher (Pentium 100 for NT)
Operating System: Windows 95/98 or Windows NT V4.0
Memory: 8MB RAM (16MB for NT)
Disk Space: 9MB

Q2. Where can I get the latest information about CoSession Remote 32?
A2. Many common configuration questions are answered in Technical Notes, available from Artisoft's on-line services. Check out Artisoft's Web Site at ( http://www.artisoft.com/techsupport) for the latest information, as it becomes available.

Q3. How can I be sure I am running the latest version of CoSession Remote 32?
A3. Download and apply CSR32_EVAL.EXE from the Artisoft Web Site to ensure you are running the newest version of CoSession Remote 32. If you plan on running CoSession Remote 32 on a Windows 98 computer you must be running CoSession Remote 32 version 8.1.358.

Q4. I just downloaded CSR32_EVAL.EXE and during SETUP, I now need to enter a serial umber and verification key. I have a serial number but not verification key, what do I do?
A4. Starting with CoSession Remote 32 8.1.358 a serial number and verification key is now entered during SETUP. If you purchased a version of CoSession Remote 32 earlier than 8.1.358, call Artisoft Customer Service at 800-846-9726 for a new serial number and verification key. Proof of purchase will be required to obtain the new serial number and verification key.

Q5. I need to install CoSession Remote 32 NOW, and SETUP asks for a serial number and verification key. Artisoft Customer Service is currently closed for the day, how do I proceed?
A5. Install CoSession Remote 32 as a 45 day evaluation version. The software can be licensed later without reinstalling.

Q6. OK, I have installed CoSession Remote 32 and it appears to be a full featured product, but I am not quite sure how to get started. Where are some straightforward instructions for establishing a remote control session?
A6. The fastest way to make your first CoSession connection is to follow the instructions under Quick Start in the on-line Help. To get there, click Start, Programs, CoSession Remote 32, and select On-line Help. Quick Start is the first "book" on the Contents page of the CoSession Remote 32 Help window.

Q7. Can I route print jobs to a CoSession Remote 32 remote Viewer?
A7. No. At this time, CoSession Remote 32 does not support remote printing.

Q8. When I connect from the Viewer, I get a message that says "Unable to Start..." with an OK button at the bottom - why?
A8. The Viewer is trying to start a second instance of the Viewer. Go to the menu bar on the Viewer, choose Connection, and you'll probably see a check mark beside "Auto-Start After Connection is Established". Click on this choice to remove the check. (NOTE: versions later than 8.1.328 will not have this problem)

Q9. Windows 95/98 has video problems, or boots to safe mode after installing CoSession Remote 32. How do I fix this?
A9. Boot your computer to "Safe Mode, Command Prompt Only". Change directories to the CoSession Remote 32 installation directory. Run CSRDISP.EXE. This program will remove the standard CoSession Remote 32 drivers from Windows 95/98's initialization files. This will allow your video driver to operate as normal, and will cause CoSession Remote 32 to operate in "generic graphics" mode. NOTE: If you are running CoSession Remote 32 version 8.1.358 or later, CSRDISP.EXE is not required since that version's accelerated video driver loads dynamically only when the CoSession Host is loaded, not at boot time.

Q10. I have my Viewer set to suppress Hosts wallpaper - why does it still send it?
A10. Download and apply CSR32_EVAL.EXE from the Artisoft Web Site. This feature works reliably in version 8.1.328 and above.

Q11. My Viewer connects to the Host, but displays text only - why?
A11. The Host video display is likely set to 32-bit mode, which is not compatible with CoSession Remote 32. Try changing your video settings on the Host, Viewer, or both to display 16-bit color or less.

Q12. How do I set up Windows 95/98 or Windows NT dialling for areas codes, and dialling 1 or 9?
A12. CoSession 32 uses the Windows 95/98 or NT TAPI setup for modem set up and dialling. Many combinations are possible for connection and dialling. Go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, Modems and then Dialling Properties. Here you can set up your modem for calling cards, area codes, country codes, etc.

Q13. I have my Viewer set up to dial the Host - why does it dial but never connect?
A13. Please check dialling properties as outlined above. For example, if your phone number includes a 1 for long distance, but Windows 95/98 or NT is also configured to dial a 1 for long distance, you will be sending two consecutive 1's to the modem - it will dial, but never connect to anything.

Q14. I'm using a US Robotics 56K modem - why does the Viewer connect, then immediately disconnect from the Host?
A14. US Robotics is aware of a problem with some versions of the X2 USR 56K driver. They have a updated driver, which can be downloaded from the US Robotics / 3COM Web Site ( http://www.3com.com/56k/usr/upgrade/muw.html). There are a few different models of USR 56K modems, please use the "Modem Upgrade Wizard" at the 3COM Web Site to find out which update you need. In most cases the updated driver will fix the disconnect problem.

Q15. Can a CoSession Remote 32 Viewer connect to a CoSession Remote 32 Host using Microsoft's IPX/SPX compatible protocol?
A15. No. CoSession Remote 32 will only operate on IPX networks using the IPX/SPX protocol supplied with Novell's IntranetWare Client software. This software can be downloaded from ( http://www.novell.com/novellsw/brands.html).

Q16. I accidentally closed my phone book, and now I can't open it again - why?
A16. At the CoSession Remote 32 control panel, go to View, and click on Phone Books - this will re-enable this feature.

Q17. I can use a modem to connect to a Host, but then I have to double-click on the Viewer to start it - why?
A17. Right-click on Remote Control Viewer, then select Properties. In the properties sheet, make sure there is a check mark in the box beside the last line - Have this Viewer started automatically.


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