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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: CLAL-3DYR34

PC Server 520 - 10/4 Tape Drive Fails with Windows NT

Applicable to: United States

The 4mm 4/10 scsi tape fails to work in a Server 520. NT doesn't recognise the tape drive and the diagnostic tape can't be ejected or will not run.

1. Check SCSI id. The only thing that you should have jumpered on the back of the drive is the SCSI id.
2. Verify termination is correct. Specifically term or term power should not be jumpered.
3. The 4/10 tape drive was manufactured to IBM specifications by two vendors: Archive and Conner. You can tell which OEM built the drive by looking at the back. The Archive drive has a switchblock on the back for setting the scsi id. The Connor drive uses jumpers to set the scsi id.

If you are running NT 3.51 and have the Archive drive, choose the Archive 4326NP driver during the installation.
If you are running NT 3.51 and have the Connor Drive, it isn't on the Microsoft HCL and you are out of luck.

If you are running NT 4.0 and have an Archive drive, choose the Archive 4326NP driver.
If you are running NT 4.0 and have a Connor Drive, choose the Connor CDT8000 driver.

4. If the driver is correct, then failure to eject a tape suggests either an electrical or firmware problem.

Check the 50-pin to 68-pin adapter on the back of the drive to ensure that it is seated properly. The adapter can be plugged in off-set by a row of pins. Carefully check the male plug becuase the pins bend easily.

5. Verify the current level of firmware. You should be able to detect the firmware level by hitting a ctl-A while the driver loads or you can see the firmware level displayed momentarily during the loading process. The latest firmware is V577-47 for 5.25" drive and V577-42 for 3.5" If you have to download the latest firmware from the bbs and update the tape drive, you must disconnect the tape device from the SCSI bus during the upgrade because if there is any other traffic on the buss, it will erase the firmware in the tape drive.

6. Replace the SCSI cable along with the tapedrive if the above software steps fail.

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Tape Drives, Windows NT

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 520

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