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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3RBSJ4

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

Netfinity 3500 - Planar replacement and BIOS update procedure

Applicable to: World-Wide

When replacing the System Board (planar) FRU p/n93H7269 on the Netfinity 3500 type 8644 model 10U/10X/20U/20X/21U/21X/30U/30X, the BIOS MUST be updated and initialized. Failure to do so can result in a system malfunction.

Use the procedure below to replace, flash, initialize and reconfigure CMOS to customer preferences.

Note: Before going on site, be sure to download the current "Netfinity 3500 BIOS Flash Update Diskette" from the IBM Website at the following URL:

SEARCH for: 3500 BIOS Flash

The file is a self-extracting executable file that will create the BIOS diskette.

Print the README.1ST file. The file contains the following:

1. Basic Installation Instructions
2. Guidelines for replacement start up screen images
3. Program Options of interest to system support people
4. CMOS save/restore utility
5. Important Instructions when replacing the 8644's system board.

Note: The BIOS level may be listed in any of the following formats. In the example below, all formats refer to the same level of BIOS.



Build ID NNJT25A

Common usage
BBS/WEB file name description
<F1> Setup, Product Data, Flash EEPROM Level
(Netfinity Manager, System Information,
model and processor information)

Planar Replacement:

1. If the original system board is still functional, save the CMOS configuration to diskette, using the procedure listed in section 4 of the Readme.1st file on the BIOS diskette.

2. When installing a replacement planar, or re-installing the existing planar, care must be taken to avoid bending the metal "fingers" on the EMC shield. When properly seated, thin metal "fingers" will be in place over the USB, mouse/keyboard, and Ethernet port connectors. For installation of the system board, first, angle the system board downward and under the EMC shield "fingers" to prevent bending or damaging the "fingers."

BIOS Update:

3. After the system is reassembled, insert the Netfinity 3500 BIOS Flash Update Diskette in the floppy drive, then turn the power on.
4. (If the message "The POST/BIOS code in the system is a newer version than in the diskette..." appears during this procedure, disregard it and press <Enter> to continue)
5. Resolve any configuration or POST startup error messages following the onscreen instructions.
6. When the BIOS update is complete, remove the diskette from the floppy drive, and press <Enter> to restart the system.

Initialization and Setting Defaults:

7. When the "Press F1 for Configuration/Setup" message appears on the IBM logo screen, press <F1>.
8. At the "Configuration/Setup Utility" menu, highlight "Load Default Settings" and press <Enter>.
9. Press <Enter> again to continue.
10. (At this point, you might also set the correct date and time).
11. Highlight "Exit Setup" and press <Enter>.
12. Highlight "Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility", then press <Enter> to restart the system.
13. When the Adaptec SCSISelect message appears, press <Ctrl><A>
14. Highlight "00:09:A" at the "Bus:Device:Channel" menu; press <Enter> to display the "Options" menu.
15. Highlight "Configure/View Host Adapter Settings"; press <Enter> to display the "Configuration" menu.
16. Press <F6> "Reset to Host Adapter Defaults" to reset the SCSI settings.
17. Highlight "Yes" to "Reset All Options to Default Settings?"; press <Enter> to reset defaults.
18. Press <Esc>.
19. Highlight "Yes" to "Save Changes Made?"; press <Enter> to return to the "Options" menu.
20. Press <Esc> to return to the "Bus:Device:Channel" menu.
21. Highlight "00:09:B" at the "Bus:Device:Channel" menu; press <Enter> to display the "Options" menu.
22. Highlight "Configure/View Host Adapter Settings"; press <Enter> to display the "Configuration" menu.
23. Press <F6> "Reset to Host Adapter Defaults" to reset the SCSI settings.
24. Highlight "Yes" to "Reset All Options to Default Settings?" press <Enter> to reset defaults.
25. Press <Esc>.
26. Highlight "Yes" to "Save Changes Made?"; press <Enter> to return to the "Options" menu.
27. Press <Esc> to return to the "Bus:Device:Channel" menu.
28. Press <Esc> again.
29. Highlight "Yes" to "Exit Utility"; press <Enter>.
30. Press any key to restart the system.

Restore Customer's CMOS if backed up in step 1:
31. Follow the procedure in Section 4 of the readme.1st
32. Initialization of the replacement system board is now complete.

The following standard defaults will now be set:
Start Options: CD-ROM, Diskette, Hard Disk, Disabled Adaptec SCSI (Max Sync Transfer Rate): 20.0MB/s (Fast/Wide)

Future planar FRUs will include a Netfinity 3500 BIOS diskette and detailed instructions.

Adaptec and SCSISelect are trademarks of Adaptec, Inc.


Search Keywords

PSY2, D/T8644, 93H7269, SERVICER ONLY, CMOS, D/T8644BIOS, BIOS, 93H7269, D/T6898, HEALTH

Hint Category


Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3500

Machine Type



10U; 10X; 20U; 20X; 21U; 21X; 30U; 30X


Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes

Owning B.U.: USA, USA=A, EMA=A, AFE=A