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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GKEY-3J7HGK

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TP 560/E - How to Read POST Error Messages

Applicable to: World-Wide

How to Read POST Error Messages:
POST error messages are displayed on the screen as three, four, five, or eight digits. The error messages that can be displayed as shorter POST messages are highlighted in this index. Some digits will represent different information for SCSI errors versus non-SCSI errors.
The following example shows which digits display the shorter POST error messages and also defines the SCSI information in an eight-digit error message.

All SCSI devices are set to a different SCSI ID.
Duplicate SCSI ID settings can generate a false error message. Use the SCSI ID to determine whether the error message is coming from an internal or an external device.

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 560, ThinkPad 560E

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