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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3JJG6J

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IBM PC - Pentium Overdrive (P24T) does not work

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information

The Pentium Overdrive (P24T) processor will not work in early PC-300 systems due to a level-2 cache signalling incompatibility.
There are four possible solutions. In all cases Flash BIOS 60 or later is also required. To obtain this please click here:-

1) Obtain the latest revision system board. This can be identified by the absence of component R6 near to the front right-hand corner of the board and FRU labels 96G2949 + 95G9496.
2) Obtain a special interposer from IBM. The manufacturing part number for the interposer is 89G4125, - availability and ordering procedures are yet to be announced..
3) Obtain an interposer from Intel Corp. (Critical situations ONLY).
4) Remove the pin indicated below from the Pentium Overdrive.. (Not recommened)

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Product Family

PC 330, PC 350

Machine Type

6571, 6581




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