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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: JBAR-3QFLYC

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IBM ValuePoint/IBM PS/2 - Undetermined problem (system dead)

Applicable to: World-Wide

Value Point or Personal System/2 will not power up or powers down immediately after being turned on. The cooling fan may start to turn,and/or the power-good light may flicker then turn off. The power supply will not stay on long enough to allow voltage measurements.

Problem Determination:
-Systems with auto-switching power supples should be plugged directly into a wall receptacle, not into a power strip or surge protector.
-Systems with switchable power supplies (115v/220v) must be set to the correct voltage setting.
-The following switches may be checked with meter to verify correct operation:
- Power switches that connect to the system board
- C-2 security (Cover Lock and Tamper-Evident) switches

Use the Undetermined Problem section of the HMM, and include the following items to the list of devices to be disconnected:* Battery
- Speaker
- Power-good and Hardfile Activity LED's
- Memory (system board, video and cache)
- Cooling Fan
- Riser Card or Bus Adaptor

When a power supply is cycled (switched off then switched on or line voltage is interrupted) the voltages in the system are allowed to drain to a near zero value. This resets controller modules on the system board, option cards, drives and internal devices to the necessary condition for a stable power-up sequence. If an external device has been found to prevent the system from powering up, then the device may be applying voltage back to the system. If the device is operating properly, then that device may have to be powered off prior to the system unit being powered-on. Some external devices known to cause this problem are modems, printer switching devices, printers, ARTIC attachments, all having a power source external to the PC.

D/T8525 D/T8530 D/T8535 D/T8540
D/T8550 D/T8555 D/T8556 D/T8557
D/T8573 D/T8560 D/T8565 D/T8570
D/T9576 D/T8580 D/T8590 D/T8595
D/T9585 D/T9577 D/T9556 D/T9557
D/T9595 D/T9577I D/T9577S D/T9576I
D/T9577S D/T9590 D/T9595A D/T8641
D/T8642 D/T9533 D/T8640 SERIAL

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Product Family

PS/2, ValuePoint

Machine Type

8530, 8535, 8540, 8550, 8555, 8556, 8557, 8560, 8565, 8570, 8573, 8580, 8590, 8595, 9533, 9553, 9556, 9557, 9576, 9577, 9590, 9595, 6381, 6382, 6384, 6387, 6472, 6482, 6484, 6492, 6494




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