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Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: DDSE-3TRG6L

Netfinity7000 - Installing Novell NetWare 3.1x

Applicable to: World-Wide

This document provides installation instructions for Novell NetWare 3.1x on the IBM Netfinity 7000.

Follow the instructions in the NetWare 3.1x manual. The IBM PC ServeRAID driver IPSRAID.HAM is supplied in the NetWare directory. You can use the INSTALL.BAT to copy all necessary files to your server directory. It can be downloaded from www.us.pc.ibm.com/files.html. Search the NetWare directory . INSTALL.BAT will also make the changes in to the STARTUP.NCF file to load necessary NetWare modules.

You can install Novell NetWare 3.1x one of two ways:

Method 1:
1. Type the following at the command prompt to manually create the directory where you want to install Novell NetWare. MD SERVER.312 where SERVER.312 is the directory (default for NetWare 3.12) where the server software will be installed. If you use a different path, make sure that you specify the same path during the installation of NetWare software.

2. Change the directory to the new server directory created in step 1. Using the example in step 1, type CD SERVER.312

3. Insert the Device Driver/Administration and Monitor diskette at the DOS command prompt and type A:\NETWARE\INSTALL

4. Follow the Novell NetWare 3.1x instructions until the first NetWare prompt. Type DOWN. Type EXIT to shutdown and exit from the server.

5. If you are not in the server directory created in Step 1, change to the server directory. Start server by typing SERVER at the command prompt. Type LOAD INSTALL at the NetWare prompt and continue to install NetWare according to the NetWare instructions.

Method 2:
1. Follow the Novell NetWare 3.1x instructions until the first NetWare prompt. Type DOWN. Type EXIT to shutdown and exit from the server.

2. Change the directory to the server directory by typing CD SERVER.312. If your server path name is different than SERVER.312, type CD path_name (where path_name is your server directory).

3. Insert the Device Driver/Administration and Monitor diskette at the DOS command prompt and type

4. Start the server by typing SERVER at the command prompt. Type LOAD INSTALL at the NetWare prompt and continue to install NetWare according to the Novell NetWare instructions.

Note: Use INSTALL.BAT for NetWare 3.1x only. The following Novell NetWare patches must be loaded before loading IPSRAID.HAM. If you do not have them loaded by the STARTUP.NCF (STARTUP.NCF is updated by the INSTALL.BAT described in step 3 above), you can load them manually, as follows:

The necessary patches and other support files are included in the NetWare directory in the diskette. The NetWare directory also contains NWASPI.CDM, Novell's generic ASPI support CDM. This CDM intercepts ASPI calls and allows them to work under the NWPA architecture. If Novell's ASPI support is required, this file should be loaded by typing LOAD NWASPI.CDM.

If you load NWASPI.CDM, you might have to power-cycle the server when you unload NWASPI.CDM.

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 7000

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RH0; RM0; TH0; TM0


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