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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MQUN-3TQRUP

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Server95 - Configuration Information

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
Recently I have been having conversations with the various members of the UK Service Field Force. I have been told that there will be problems understanding the various configurations of the new 9595's now that there will be no actual model numbers. Engineers have told me that they will have to make two trips to every call, the first to establish what processor etc. is in the product, the second to return with the part. To make life easier for the field I have put together the following table, to show as much of the configurations as I can. The label on the front of the product will show either 9595 SXX or 9595 BXX


9595-S13 61 486DX2-66 8MB Either 540 or 1GB
9595-S23 60 486DX2-66 16MB Either 540 or 1GB.
9595-S33 79 486DX2-66 32MB Either 540 or 1GB

9595-S10 78 586-60 8MB Either 540 or 1GB
9595-S20 77 586-60 16MB Either 540 or 1GB
9595-S30 76 586-60 32MB Either 540 or 1GB

9595-B23 75 486DX2-66 16MB 3x540mb or 3x1GB
9595-B33 74 486DX2-66 32MB 3x540mb or 3x1GB.

9595-B20 73 586-60 16MB 3x540mb or 3x1GB.
9595-B30 72 586-60 32MB 3x540mb or 3x1GB.

Please be aware that regarding disks & options EACH machine can be configured to meet the customers wishes, but the configurations shown above are valid BEFORE the customer adds on his various options. Please be aware no matter what options are fitted into the product it will NOT change the various SXX or BXX numbers. Regarding the machine labels, the front will show 9595-SXX or BXX the back will show the machine serial number in the following format.... "6055004H8F4" the first two digits also equate to the type of box as per the PREFIX list above. So if the front lable is lost, then the servicer can still use the rear lable to establish his configuration. ALL products use the same planar, but the B23,B33,B20 & B30 use a different SCSI card. I do hope that this is of use to you in the field & please cascade this information down to your service personal to avoid any confusion in the future.

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IBM PC Server

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Server 95

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