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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GKEY-3JNDPD

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TP 765D/L - TrackPoint III and Game Port Checkout

Applicable to: World-Wide

TrackPoint III Checkout

If the TrackPoint III does not work, check the configuration in the ThinkPad Configuration program.

If the configuration of the TrackPoint III is disabled, select Enable to enable it.

If this does not correct the TrackPoint III problem, continue with the following:

The TrackPoint III does automatic compensations to adjust the pointer sensor. During this process, the pointer moves on
the screen automatically for a short time. This self-acting pointer movement can occur when a slight, steady pressure is applied to the TrackPoint III pointer while the computer is powered on or while the system is running, or when readjustment is required because the temperature has exceeded its normal temperature range.
This symptom does not indicate a hardware problem. No service actions are necessary if the pointer movement stops in a short period of time.

If a click button problem or pointing stick problem occurs, do the following:


Go to the Easy-Setup menu.


Select an item with the pointing stick.


Press either the left or right click button.


Verify that both buttons work correctly.

If either the pointing stick or the click button does not work, do the following actions one at a time to correct the problem.
Do not replace a nondefective FRU.

Reseat the keyboard card cables.
Replace the keyboard card cables.
Replace the keyboard card assembly.
Replace the video card.
Replace the system board.

Game Port Checkout
Do the following if a joystick problem occurs:


Connect the joystick to the game port.


Go to the Easy-Setup menu.


Select an item with the joystick.


Press any button of the joystick.


Verify that all buttons work correctly.

If either the joystick or a button does not work, replace the video card. If the problem persists, replace the system board.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 765L, ThinkPad 765D

Machine Type

9546, 9547




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