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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MQUN-3TMMM6

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Servers - False Async or MPCA Diagnostic errors

Applicable to: World-Wide

False diagnostic errors may be experienced when running the Advanced Diagnostics on 9595 Pentium* processor models if the diagnostic wrap plug is installed. This occurs on either the serial (async) port or the MPCA (Multiprotocol Adapter/A).
The same error may occur on 8590 or 8595 systems which have Pentium processor upgrades installed.

Async port error codes are: 0011XXXX XXXX may be any code
MPCA error codes are: 0100XXXX XXXX may be any code

Problem Isolation Aids:
Run the async port and MPCA diagnostics without the wrap plug installed. If no failures occur, there is only a small chance of a hardware failure. (The diagnostic testing is the same with or without the wrap plug, except the actual I/O connector is not tested without the wrap plug.)
Check the level and version of the diagnostics using the "Display Revision Levels" selection under "More Utilities" in the System Partition. The following information will be seen:

BIOS part number XXXXXXXX
Model F8
Submodel 45, 46 or 47
Revision level X
Reference Diskette version X.XX
Diagnostic Diskette version X.XX (Any version below 2.20)
Diagnostic version X.XX
Config. util. version X.XX
IML image name

Note: Use the F1 "Help" key for definitions of the above.
The "X" information may be anything.

If the "Diagnostic Diskette Version" is lower than 2.20, the error is caused by processor speed dependent code in the diagnostics.

If the customer is not experiencing problems with either the ASYNC port or MPCA adapter, and the diagnostics run without error with the wrap plug removed, no defect should be suspected. The diagnostics will be corrected on the Common Diagnostic Disk version 2.20 update and will be seen as "DIAG Version 2.20" when displaying the revision levels on the system partition.
This tip will be updated when the Common Diagnostic Diskette Version 2.20 is available.
* Pentium is a registered trade mark of INTEL Inc.

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Hint Category

Diagnostics, Adapter Cards

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

Server 95

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