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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-399EH8

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IBM PS/2/IBM ValuePoint - Electronic component failures in IBM PC products

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
IBM Personal Computer products are designed to meet high standards of health and safety and are tested for compliance with industry, U/L, CSA and other stringent international safety requirements. A key factor in the selection of materials to be used in IBM Personal Computer products is to be as non-flammable and non-toxic as current engineering requirements and limitations permit.

All electronic devices are subject to component failures during operation. This type of failure may produce a small puff of smoke and possibly some noise. The affected device usually becomes inoperative immediately. PS/2 system units, displays and associated attachments may also exhibit this type failure. Occasionally, an electronic failure occurs which results in the emission of small quantities of visible smoke. Typically this smoke is of short duration as a component such as a resistor or capacitor overheats and fails. This type of failure is usually self-limiting * and little danger of fire exists. Due to careful selection of materials and circuit design, IBM products do not support sustained combustion.

The smoke and odour associated with this type event, while unpleasant, is usually of short duration and generally harmless in a properly ventilated environment in the small quantities emitted. Temporarily increasing ventilation may be useful to minimise any temporary discomfort.

For US based dealers and customers please direct any questions regarding the chemical emissions of IBM products or supplies and their potential toxicity, to IBM's centre for process and product toxicology at 1-800-745-2200, OR Tel:- 263- 2200. The CCPT contact is Dr. Bradford Brooks. Other countries are advised to contact their local support centre, who can retrieve the appropriate information for you.

An example of a self limiting electronic component failure is as follows:
The internal insulation in a capacitor used in a power supply fails. The resulting current surge across the plates of the capacitor cause it to heat up and rupture, with an accompanying audible "pop." The heat causes a small puff of smoke to be emitted from the top of the unit (some discoloration of the cabinet may be noticeable). The current surge causes a fuse to open, which cuts off current flow, making the unit inoperable.

PSY2 D/T8503 D/T8504 D/T8512
D/T8513 D/T8514 PSY2DISP D/T8515
D/T8516 SMELL D/T8511 D/T8517
D/T6312 D/T6314 D/T6317 D/T6319
D/T9515 D/T9517 D/T9518 D/T8506
D/T6324 MONITOR D/T6325 D/T9524
D/T9525 DISPLAY D/T8525 D/T8530
D/T8535 D/T8540 D/T8543 D/T8551
D/T8554 D/T8550 D/T8555 D/T8556
D/T8557 D/T8573 D/T9525 SCREEN
D/T8560 D/T8565 D/T8570 D/T9576
D/T8580 D/T8590 D/T8595 D/T9585
D/T9577 D/T9556 D/T9557 D/T9595
D/T9533 D/T6312 D/T6314 D/T6317
D/T6319 D/T6324 D/T6325 PSY2ADPT
D/T6384 D/T6381 D/T6382 D/T6387
D/T6492 D/T6484 D/T6494 D/T6472
D/T6482 D/T6583 D/T6581 D/T6573
D/T6571 D/T6585 D/T6575 D/T6886
D/T6885 D/T6876 D/T6875 D/T6576
D/T8640 D/T8641 D/T8642 PSVP
D/T6321 D/T9527 D/T3516 D/T3510

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Product Family

PS/2, ValuePoint

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8530, 8535, 8540, 8550, 8555, 8556, 8557, 8560, 8565, 8570, 8573, 8580, 8590, 8595, 9533, 9553, 9556, 9557, 9576, 9577, 9590, 9595, Various




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