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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-38ACAY

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TP 760 - External Monitor refresh Rates Flicker

Applicable to: World-Wide

Subject :
760/External Monitor Refresh Rates/Flicker

There has been some confusion as to how to properly set refresh ratesfor external displays to eliminate flicker under Windows 95 on theThinkpad 760 Series. It is fairly straightforward, please use ThinkpadFeatures to open up the display object (either screen icon on the left side of the interface). Then use ADVANCED to get to the setup and select the desired refresh rate for your intended resolution. It is generally advised to use the highest rate that both your system and CRT support. Therefore, in some cases a user may need to consult the documentation for his/her display to determine the supported rates.

Please be aware of the following notes:

1) It is normal for the Resolution, Virtual Screen, and Color Depthsettings to be grayed out in Windows 95, these settings are controlled via the operating system.

2) If a user sets the settings via Thinkpad Features and this does not adjust the actual screen refresh, please ensure that if the monitor supports Display Data Channel (DDC) configuration, that the DDC function is disabled. Thinkpad models currently marketed do not support DDC configuration. Procedures for disabling DDC vary by monitor, please see SearchManager/2 for instructions for IBM DDC displays, again, users of OEM displays should consult their documentation or contact the vendor.

3) If the settings for Refresh Rate are grayed out, please ensure that the system has current BIOS and Thinkpad Features (updated Utility Diskettes) applied.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Display/Monitor, Windows 95

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 760C, ThinkPad 760E, ThinkPad 760CD, ThinkPad 760L/LD, ThinkPad 760ED, ThinkPad 760XD, ThinkPad 760EL/ELD, ThinkPad 760XL, ThinkPad 765L, ThinkPad 765D

Machine Type

9546, 9547




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