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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-39GCC8

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TP 760E/EL/ELD/ED - Boot errors with added SODIMMS

Applicable to: World-Wide

Abstract :
This script is to be used to respond to questions from customers that report boot errors when additional memory has been added to their system. Please ensure that the customer has the conditions for fail and the symptoms as described below before referring them to this information.

Systems affected :

Conditions required for fail :
Symptoms are reported when 2 SODIMMS are Added to the system. Problems are not limited to any specific SODIMM memory vendor.

Symptoms :
The symptoms occur during boot and can be intermittant. The symptoms will most likely be:

1) During boot (post) the screen is black with the cursor flashing. The startup of the system does not complete and the Operating System does not start.

2) During boot, the memory count will be displayed in the upper left hand corner of the screen, but remains and the the operating system does not start.

3) Symptoms as above and the FDD icon on the keyboard flashes continuously.

4) The OS will start but will report memory errors, for example : ...himem.sys has found bad ems memory @ location ****, then error that himem.sys is not loaded...

5) The OS will start but may hang with the LOGO screen displayed (example starting Windows 95 or Windows NT)

Diagnoses :
If the above symptoms occur, ask customer to remove the SODIMMS and retry. If this is the cause, it will NOT occur with the SODIMMS removed.

The reports are that the failure does not occur when only one SODIMM is installed, but this has not been ruled out as a possibility.

Fix :
Temporary Fix -There is no work around. However, removing one or both of the SODIMMS will remove the probability that the failure will occur.
Permanent Fix - Use the following new DIMM adapters per ECA004
0MB adapter 83H7124 for machines that come with 8MB of base memory
8MB adapter 83H7126 for TP760ED (Comes with 16MB of base memory)

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 760E, ThinkPad 760ED, ThinkPad 760EL/ELD

Machine Type

9546, 9547




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