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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: JBAR-3PTPGY

IBM PC730/PC750 - Video error in Windows 95

Applicable to: World-Wide

Problem :
IBM PC 700 Series 6877 and 6887 systems preloaded with Microsoft Windows 95 may display the following error indication after the user has changed the video resolution via the Display Utility in the Windows 95 Control Panel:

There is a problem with your display settings. The adapter type is incorrect, or the current settings do not work with your hardware.

Windows 95 will then force the user to select another resolution, which may not be compatible with the system board video chipset.

Problem Isolation Aids :
IBM PC 700 Series 6877 and 6887 systems contain the S3 Trio64V+ video chipset. The latest revision of the S3 Trio64V+ video chipset (Rev. F) currently being used in production of 6877 and 6887 systems is undetectable by the preinstalled Window 95 operating system.

Because Windows 95 cannot detect the newer level Rev. F chip integrated on the system board, Windows 95 defaults to the "S3 Trio64" video driver that ships standard with Windows95. This standard driver allows the user to select resolutions that are not compatible with the S3 Trio64V+ video chipset. Those selections are:

640 x 400 TrueColor (32 bit)
640 x 480 16 Color
800 x 600 16 Color
1024 x 768 16 Color
1152 x 864 256 Color

Systems preloaded with Windows 95 that may be affected by the new Rev. F S3 Trio64V+ video chip can be determined by viewing the SYSLEVEL.IBM file with an editor. If preload level CFFBGUS or CFFBMUS are present in the SYSLEVEL.IBM file, the system may be affected.

Install version 2.10.01 or higher Windows 95 S3 Trio64V+ video device drivers. The current version of the drivers is titled:

Z03T03A.EXE - S3 Trio 64/64V+ Windows 95 driver v2.10-01
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Search Keywords

Hint Category

Error Messages, Video, Windows 95

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Product Family

PC 730, PC 750

Machine Type

6877, 6887




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