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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-42BRR9

PS/2 8590 / Server 95 - False 701 math coprocessor diagnostics errors

Applicable to: AP-S, Canada, LA, United States

Source: RETAIN tip H106902

Abstract: False 701 math coprocessor diagnostics errors.

A "701" (00070100) error is displayed when coprocessor diagnostics are run on 8590/8595 and other systems with 80486 base processors.

Other than the exceptions noted below, coprocessor diagnostics are NOT VALID and are NOT supported on PS/2 80486 (i486) based systems. The "coprocessor function" is integrated into the 80486DX module and is tested with the "System Unit" diagnostic, therefore there is no separate coprocessor diagnostic for any 80486 system, including the "SX" models.

Note: There is a separate coprocessor diagnostic test for the 8570-486 system.

On PS/2 Systems, diagnostics are run under control of the DCP (Diagnostic Control Program), which is common for all PS/2 systems. Therefore, a coprocessor diagnostic intended for a system with an 80386 processor (such as the 8580) may be erroneously added to the Reference (Diagnostic) Diskette for an 80486 processor system (such as the 8595).

If erroneously added to a reference diskette, the coprocessor diagnostic will be recognized as valid by the DCP. If selected during diagnostic testing, the DCP will attempt to execute it. As this test is written for the 80387 coprocessor module only, it will fail and display the "701 error" when run on "80486 based" systems.

Note: Using the "Copy an Option" utility and copying the options from a Reference Diskette (ie., 8580 Ref. diskette) will copy any option .ADF files and .DGS files. This is how the COPROC.DGS file may be erroneously transferred to a Reference diskette or System partition for an IML machine, such as the 8595.


If this situation is encountered, the coprocessor diagnostic file (COPROC.DGS) should be removed from systems with 80486
processors (except for the 8570-486).

A directory listing of the reference or diagnostic diskette will reveal the presence of the COPROC.DGS file.

The presence of a COPROC.DGS file on a system partition will be indicated by displaying the diagnostic devices under test in the Advanced Diagnostics (Control/A, at the main menu). If the coprocessor is listed as an installed device, the COPROC.DGS file is erroneously installed. It can only be removed by deleting the COPROC.DGS file from the back-up Reference Diskette (DOS delete function) and then restoring the system partition from the corrected Backup Reference Diskette.

Note: When displaying the "View Configuration" screen, the coprocessor will be listed as "installed." This does not mean a separate coprocessor is physically installed, but that it is an integral function of the 80486 processor itself.

Future releases of Reference/Diagnostics diskettes will include a "Dummy" COPROC.DGS file (approximately 4 bytes long) which will prevent unintentional copying of non-supported "COPROC.DGS" files.

PSY2, PSY2ERR, PS2, PS/2, D/T8590, D/T8595, D/T9595, D/T9576, D/T9577, D/T8556, D/T8557, PSY2DIAG, PSVP, VALUEPOINT, D/T9585, 8590, 9577, 9576, 9585, 9595, 8595, D/T9590, 9590

Search Keywords

PSY2, PSY2ERR, PS2, PS/2, D/T8590, D/T8595, D/T9595, D/T9576, D/T9577, D/T8556, D/T8557, PSY2DIAG, PSVP, VALUEPOINT, D/T9585, 8590, 9577, 9576, 9585, 9595, 8595, D/T9590, 9590

Hint Category


Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PS/2, Server 95

Machine Type

8590, 8595




Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes

Date created: O93/01/14
Date last altered: A94/08/15