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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-3DRT8Q

Multimedia Modem Plus - Software installation under Windows 3.x or Windows 95

Applicable to: United States

Preparing for software installation:
If you are upgrading from the Multimedia Modem or have any other Mwave software installed in your computer, you must remove the old Mwave software to avoid conflicts with the new Mwave software. The setup program that is part of your installation package should be used to remove the old Multimedia Modem Mwave software from your hard disk drive.

Installing the software:
If you are upgrading from the Multimedia Modem or have any other Mwave software installed in your computer, you must remove the old Mwave software to avoid conflicts with the new Mwave software. The setup program that is part of your installation package should be used to remove the old Multimedia Modem Mwave software from your hard disk drive.

You can use the Multimedia Modem Plus with the following operating systems:

- DOS 5.0 or higher
- Microsoft Windows 3.1 or 3.11 under DOS 5.0 or higher
- Microsoft Windows 95
- OS/2 Warp with Windows or WIN-OS/2 installed

Note: During the installation process some message windows (boxes) may appear which are not addressed in this documentation, choose the default to proceed with the install process.

What to do next:
If you are installing or updating under any version of Windows, go to "Installing the Software Under Windows 3.x or Windows 95."

If you are installing or updating under OS/2 Warp, go to "Installing the Software Under OS/2 Warp" on page 13.

If you are installing WIN-OS/2 support under OS/2 Warp with Windows application support (Blue Spine), install OS/2 support first. Then install Windows support from a WIN-OS/2 full screen session.

If you are installing WIN-OS/2 support under OS/2 Warp for Windows (Red Spine), install Windows first in native DOS/Windows, then install OS/2 support using the Windows configuration values.

If you are installing QuickLink Message Center or software applications that are not part of this package, read "Installing Applications Software" on page 20.

Installing the software under Windows 3.x or Windows 95:
If you are upgrading from the Multimedia Modem or have any other Mwave software installed in your computer, you must remove the old Mwave software to avoid conflicts with the new Mwave software. The setup program that is part of your installation package should be used to remove the old Multimedia Modem Mwave software from your hard disk drive.

The setup program:

- Removes any previous version of the Multimedia Modem Mwave Modem software, if installed
- Installs the new software on your hard disk drive
- Configures your Multimedia Modem Plus

- Creates the Multimedia Modem program group in the Windows Program Manager

The following instructions are used to install under Windows 3.1, 3.11, or Windows 95:

1. Start Windows.

2. Insert Windows Disk 1 in your diskette drive. This sample procedure uses drive A.

a. For Windows 3.x, go to the Program Manager and click on RUN from the File menu. Continue with 3.

b. For Windows 95, click on Start Button then click RUN from the Start menu. Continue with 3.

c. From the Windows 95 main window, select MY COMPUTER, click on the A drive object and select SETUP from the list of programs and then start the Setup program. Continue with 4.

3. To start the setup program, type:


Click on OK or press ENTER.

4. Do one of the following:

Click on the Complete Installation icon, to install all Mwave software then and go to 5 on page 8 to continue the installation process. Complete installation is the normal selection for new installations or upgrading from Multimedia Modem.

Click on the Selective Installation icon for a partial installation.

Clear the selection boxes for the products you do not want to install. Some of the following windows might not apply depending on the components you choose for your selective installation.

Click on the Un-install icon to remove any previous versions of the Multimedia Modem software from your computer. If you ever remove the Multimedia Modem Plus adapter from your computer, you must use the un-install process to be sure that the Mwave software is removed from all directories on your hard disk drive.

Click on the Exit icon to end the Setup program.

5. If you are updating from Multimedia Modem, the Setup program does the following:

a. Informs you that it is removing the existing Mwave software without changing the Multimedia Modem data. Click on YES to continue.

b. Asks you to verify that you want to restart Windows to remove the Mwave drivers from memory. Click on YES to continue. Windows restarts and reloads the Setup program.

c. Informs you that the Mwave software is being removed. Click on OK.

d. Informs you that the Multimedia Modem software has been removed. Click on OK.

e. If you are asked if you want to overwrite the Multimedia Modem settings and message files, click on NO to protect your existing settings and message files.

6. Click on OK to install the Mwave software in the default directory or type a new directory and click on OK.

If the directory is not on your hard disk drive, click on YES to create it or click on NO and type another directory name.

Note: If your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements for the Multimedia Modem Plus, the Setup program displays a list of deficiencies. For optimum operation of the Multimedia Modem Plus, exit the Setup program and upgrade your computer to meet the minimum system requirements. If you choose not to update, click on CONTINUE.

7. Insert Windows Disk 2 when prompted by the Setup program.

8. When the MIDI EMU Wave Samples prompt is displayed, insert EMU Disk 1 and click on OK.

9. When you are prompted for the name of the MIDI samples directory, click on OK to install them in the default directory, or type another directory name and click on OK.

10. When prompted, insert EMU Disk 2 and click on OK.

If OS/2 is installed on your computer, you will be asked if the EMU Samples should be used for OS/2 also, click on YES.

11. When the Setup program prompts you for the Mwave DOS diskette, insert DOS Disk 1 and click on OK.

If you are upgrading from the Multimedia Modem, you are asked if you want to update your existing Mwave installation. When asked if you want to continue, Click on YES.

If the Setup program prompts you for the location of the Mwave DOS files, click on OK to install them in the default directory, or type another directory name and click on OK.

12. Click on YES, if you want to automatically update the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

13. When prompted, insert DOS Disk 2 and click on OK.

14. When asked if you want to install the MIDI EMU Wave sound samples, click on YES.

15. When the Mwave DOS software installation is complete, click on OK to return to the Setup program.

16. When the message is displayed that tells you to exit Windows, click on OK.

17. When the Installation Exit is displayed, click on YES.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

DOS/Windows 3.x, Modems, Windows 95, Multimedia, Hardware Installation/Configuration

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM Options

Product Family

Modems, Multimedia

Machine Type

28.8K, Audio




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