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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DEDN-3F5TVA

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TP General - Windows 95 PNP BIOS removal policy

Applicable to: World-Wide

There has recently been some controversy as to whether the removal of Plug and Play BIOS from the Windows 95 Device Manager, and the subsequent re detection of all hardware/software devices should be used as a support method within the Mobiles support group. If so, under what circumstances should this action be taken.

Mobiles Level 2 and Thinkpad Product Engineering are not aware of any circumstance which would necessitate the removal of Plug and Play BIOS from Device Manager in Windows 95.

Removal of PnP BIOS as a routine procedure, and specifically as part of the process for updating ThinkPad BIOS is absolutely not necessary and should not be recommended.

There are instructions on how to perform this procedure circulating within the Help Center. If a technician should choose to employ this procedure, it should be done only when all less intrusive methods have been tried and have failed, and then only after informing the customer that there are no guarantees of continued system function after this procedure has been applied. In other words, "If this is the last step before formatting, then use your best judgment, and get the customers consent."

There have been calls have been transferred to other groups after this procedure has been tried, and failed to correct the problem. In some cases, new problems have been reported. Since a "last resort" is the only situation where this procedure might be appropriate, transfer, referral, or escalation to another group AFTER the PnP removal is not appropriate. If it is believed that another group may be able to assist with the problem, contact that group BEFORE trying a PnP removal.

As with any action that affects the Windows 95 registry, it is prudent to have a backup procedure. Therefore, it would be a good idea to use the Emergency Recovery Utility, or to manually back up the registry before beginning this type procedure.

Removing PnP BIOS from Windows 95 Device manager is an unsupported procedure. It should not be used as a routine procedure, nor as part of any ThinkPad BIOS upgrade. If it is employed, it should be after the situation is at a "last ditch attempt" stage, and the customer should be informed of same.

It would be inappropriate to transfer or escalate a call after this procedure has been attempted and has failed to resolve a problem, or has introduced a new problem. Back up the Windows 95 registry before attempting "last resort" fixes.

Keywords: TPAD PD PNP WIN95

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Windows 95

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