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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-3CGRW3

Home and Away Credit Card Adapter - Windows 95 Installation

Applicable to: World-Wide

1. Download the Windows 95 drivers for the Home and Away (HAWIN95.EXE)
To obtain a copy of this Diskette, DoubleClick here :-

2. Once this file is downloaded, just execute it and it will prompt you for a blank diskette on the floppy drive, A:.

3. Boot your machine from the newly created diskette and flash the modem for Windows 95 compatability.
a. This is option #2 on the menu.
b. Hit the last option to exit the special flash program and reboot the system.
c. If you cannot flash or get some error like "card not found" then the flash program is incompatible with your pcmcia controller. The solution to this problem is simply use another machine to flash the modem.

4. Once you boot up the machine after the flash, you should get a message that Windows 95 has found an "unknown device" and it should be prompting you to either select a compatible driver, not install a driver, or use a vendor provided diskette. You should pick the option that allows you to read the driver off the diskette. Insert the diskette into the floppy and tell windows 95 to read the diskette for the device driver.

5. After restarting Windows 95 you should be up and running. On most machines you will find the modem on com port 3, but yours may be different.

6. The modem saver has been found to be insensitive to dialtone on a significant percentage the U.S phone network. If you encounter errors like "no dialtone" or "no carrier" do the following:
a. For true windows 95 applications (i.e. Hyperterminal and dialup networking), change the settings in the Home & Away modem properites. Add "ATX3S6=9" to the "Extra Settings" under the "Adanced" button under the "Connection" tab in the properties for the Home & Away modem child.
b. If you have windows 3.1 applications running under windows 95 (i.e. America Online, Telix, Procomm) then you must edit the initialization string in the specific application to make the modem dial out.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Modems, PCMCIA (PC Card), Windows 95, Hardware Installation/Configuration

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