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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-3UFPFM

Crossbrand - How to access the BIOS on Aptiva, PS/1, and Valuepoint systems

Applicable to: United States

The BIOS, sometimes called CMOS, setup utility, or configuration utility, contains important system and model information pertaining to hardware settings and other BIOS functions. To view the BIOS perform the following steps:
1.) Reboot computer using one of three methods:
A.) Hit ctrl + alt + del keys
B.) From Windows 95 desktop click on start, shutdown, choose option to restart computer, and then click on yes.
C.) Or shutdown computer using power switch or shutdown option from Windows 95 desktop, wait 30 seconds, and then turn machine back on.
2.) When you see the Blue IBM screen, and memory counting, hit the F1 key to enter the configuration utility.
3.) Once in the configuration utility, you will see many choices. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight what you want and then hit enter. You may toggle between choices by highlighting what you want to change, again using the up and down arrow keys, and then using the left and right arrow keys. Note: the mouse does not function here.

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family

Aptiva, PS/1, ValuePoint

Machine Type

2134, 2176, 2168, 2144


6R6; 6R7; C21; C32; 6R9; C31; C54; C5D; F31; 6R8; 7R1; 7R2; 7R3; 7R4; 7R5; 7R6; 7R7; 7R8; 7R9; 7RO; 8R1; 8R2; 8R3; 8RO; C23; C33; C35; C53; C55; C57; C5H; C65; C66; C67; C69; C73; C75; C77; C79; C7H; F23; F35; F57; F69; F79; 5R5; M91; 2R5; 2R7; 2R8; M30; M35; M50; 2R6; 4R7; 4R8; M40; M54; M58; 3R0; 3R8; M60; M70; 3R4; 3R6; 4R1; 4R9; M31; M51; M52; M63; 2R9; 3R1; 3R3; 3R5; 3R7; 3R9; 4R0; 4R2; 4R3; M41; M53; M55; M56; M57; M61; M62; M71; M72; 5R1; 6R3; A10; A12; A14; 5R2; 5R3; 5R6; 5R8; 5R9; 6R0; 6R4; 6R5; A15; A40; A44; A45; A50; A51; A52; A90; A92; A94; 1R2; 66P; 67P; 86P; OR8; 1R1; 1R3; 1R5; 22P; 24P; 25P; 27P; 29P; 63P; 82P; 83P; OR6; OR7; OR9; 1R0; 26P; 62P; 2R0; P30; 2R3; S15


21346R6; 21346R7; 2134C21; 2134C32; 21766R9; 2176C31; 2176C54; 2176C5D; 2176F31; 21766R8; 21767R1; 21767R2; 21767R3; 21767R4; 21767R5; 21767R6; 21767R7; 21767R8; 21767R9; 21767RO; 21768R1; 21768R2; 21768R3; 21768RO; 2176C23; 2176C33; 2176C35; 2176C53; 2176C55; 2176C57; 2176C5H; 2176C65; 2176C66; 2176C67; 2176C69; 2176C73; 2176C75; 2176C77; 2176C79; 2176C7H; 2176F23; 2176F35; 2176F57; 2176F69; 2176F79; 21685R5; 2168M91; 21442R5; 21442R7; 21442R8; 2144M30; 2144M35; 2144M50; 21682R6; 21684R7; 21684R8; 2168M40; 2168M54; 2168M58; 21683R0; 21683R8; 2168M60; 2168M70; 21443R4; 21443R6; 21444R1; 21444R9; 2144M31; 2144M51; 2144M52; 2144M63; 21682R9; 21683R1; 21683R3; 21683R5; 21683R7; 21683R9; 21684R0; 21684R2; 21684R3; 2168M41; 2168M53; 2168M55; 2168M56; 2168M57; 2168M61; 2168M62; 2168M71; 2168M72; 21445R1; 21446R3; 2144A10; 2144A12; 2144A14; 21685R2; 21685R3; 21685R6; 21685R8; 21685R9; 21686R0; 21686R4; 21686R5; 2168A15; 2168A40; 2168A44; 2168A45; 2168A50; 2168A51; 2168A52; 2168A90; 2168A92; 2168A94; 21681R2; 216866P; 216867P; 216886P; 2168OR8; 21441R1; 21441R3; 21441R5; 214422P; 214424P; 214425P; 214427P; 214429P; 214463P; 214467P; 214482P; 214483P; 2144OR6; 2144OR7; 2144OR9; 21681R0; 21681R1; 216826P; 216862P; 21442R0; 2144P30; 21442R3; 2144S15

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