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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3SXKHQ

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PC Server 325/330 - User's handbook corrections

Applicable to: World-Wide

The PC Server 325 User's Handbook p/n 84H5967 dated September 1997 and the PC Server 330 User's Handbook p/n 84H5972 contain incorrect listings for minimum memory.

The PC Server 325 User's Handbook ships with the type 8639 model PT0/PTW/PB0/RB0/1RY.

On page 3 under "Features at a Glance", under "Memory", the 325 User's Handbook lists: "Standard: 64MB (min). This is only correct for the models PB0/RB0/1RY. The "Standard minimum for the models PT0/PTW is 32MB.

The PC Server 330 User's Handbook ships with the type 8640 model PT0/PB0/PM0/11Y. On page 3 under "Features at a Glance", under "Memory", the 330 User's Handbook lists: "Standard: 32MB (min)" which is incorrect. The standard minimum for the models PT0/PB0/PM0/11Y is 64MB.

PSY2, PSY2DOC, SERVICER ONLY, P/N84H5967, P/N84H5972, D/T8640, D/T8639

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PSY2, PSY2DOC, SERVICER ONLY, P/N84H5967, P/N84H5972, D/T8640, D/T8639

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 325, PC Server 330

Machine Type

8639, 8640


PT0; PTW; PB0; RB0; 1RY; PT0; PB0; PM0; 11Y


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USA=A, EMA=A, AFE=A, Date last altered: A98/02/24, Owning B.U.: USA