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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-444UEW

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

TP 600 - CD-ROM and hard drive are not being recognized by the system

Applicable to: World-Wide

After the CD-ROM is set to IDE Primary Slave, the Hard Disk and CD-ROM are no longer visible to the computer. The machine displays a graphic that shows a diskette should be inserted into the system.

ThinkPad 600 running Windows 95/98.

Set the CD-ROM as IDE Secondary Master (default setting).


  1. Determine if your CD-ROM is FRU P/N 20L1926 ASM P/N 20L1925 REV: 100 or 101. This requires you to remove the CD-ROM from the system. These numbers are at the top of the bar code label.
  2. If you have REV: 102, your CD-ROM is okay.
  3. If you have REV: 100 or REV: 101, look for a red or green dot beside the REV:100 or REV:101 part of the label. If this dot exists, the firmware on the CD-ROM has already been updated to Rev. 102 and your CD-ROM drive is okay. If there are no dots, you must replace the CD-ROM with FRU 05K9045 or FRU 05K9059.

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CD-ROM Drives

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 600

Machine Type

2645, 2646




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