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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-3S7GZ6

Aptiva - Troubleshooting "Talk to me Barbie"

Applicable to: World-Wide

For the best help with the Talk To Me Barbie toy, please contact the manufacturer of the toy. However, other Aptiva owners have used the following method to get the toy to work:
1. Hook Barbie's computer desk into the serial port of the computer.

2. Go to Device Manager.

3. Click on the [+] next to "Ports (COM and LPT).

4. Double click on the Communications Port (COM 2).

5. Click on the Resources tab.

6. Remove the check from the "use automatic setting" box.

7. Change "settings base on" to basic configuration 0003... (com4)
Note: Match the I/O address in the manual. Basic configuration numbers and comport numbers may vary.

8. Click OK all the way back out of Device Manager and restart the computer.

9. Go through the setup instructions for Barbie.

10. In Barbie setup, choose to use com4. **Note*** the Barbie setup may say that Barbie is on com 0.

11. Make sure Barbie is sitting at her computer desk correctly. If Barbie isn't in the chair properly , it will not work.

12. Double click on the Barbie icon to play with Barbie.

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Hint Category

Non-IBM Hardware/Software, Software Installation/Configuration, Entertainment Software

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2134, 2136, 2137, 2138, 2140, 2142, 2144, 2159, 2161, 2162, 2168, 2176




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