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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: SCOD-469QQ5

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

PC Server 325 / 330 - Battery replacement

Applicable to: World-Wide

Source: Product Quality

PC Server 325 / 330s that have not been in production and are scheduled to be put into production need to have the battery replaced.

161 or 162 error - system will not retain date/time if wall power is removed.

The system is a PC Server 325 / 330 that has been in storage and is scheduled to be put into production, Types 8639, Models: PT0, PTW, RB0 ,PB0,1RY, 2RY 8640, Models: PT0, PB0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y.

FIX: Replace CMOS battery (FRU 33F8354).
NOTE: The HelpCenter should be contacted with the below information for new PC Server 325 / 330 roll outs:

Company Name
Number of systems being rolledout and the system serial numbers.
Roll out schedule.
Name, address and phone of the person the batteries should be shipped to.

The HelpCenter will forward the information to Product Engineering via Retain and batteries will be sent to the customer with instructions on how to install the batteries. Please allow at least two weeks for the batteries to be ordered and shipped. Replacement batteries should not be installed in systems that are going to be returned to storage.

Note: Systems that are in production and are experiencing battery related problems can be resolved by using the normal service structure (IBMSERV).

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Error Messages

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 325, PC Server 330

Machine Type

8639, 8640


PT0; PTW; RB0; PB0; 1RY; 2RY; PM0; 11Y; 21Y


Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes