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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3ABKLN

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IBM ValuePoint - TRAP 000E/0002 with 4MB parity memory

Applicable to: World-Wide

Symptom :
PS/ValuePoint Performance Series systems (6472, 6482, 6484, 6492 and 6494) with a 4Mb parity memory SIMM installed, may exhibit Trap 000E and Trap 0002 errors running OS/2.

Problem Isolation Aids :
PS/ValuePoint Performance Series systems with a combination of memory that includes a 4Mb parity memory SIMM, FRU P/N73G3233, may exhibit trap 000E or trap 0002 errors with OS/2 2.x or OS/2 WARP 3.0.

Other operating systems may display memory related errors with this configuration of memory such as parity errors.

The combination of memory may include all 4Mb SIMMs or a mixture of 4Mb, 8Mb, 16Mb or 32Mb SIMM.

Remove the 4Mb SIMM(s) and retest the system. If the trap errors do NOT reoccur, this tip applies. If the trap errors continue with the 4Mb SIMM(s) removed, this tip does not apply.

Fix :
If the trap errors do NOT occur with the 4Mb parity SIMM removed, replace SIMM FRU P/N73G3233.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Error Messages, Memory, OS/2

Date Created


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Product Family


Machine Type

6472, 6482, 6484, 6492, 6494




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