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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RJJR-3RYQTF

TP 310E/ED - Installation procedure updates

Applicable to: China, Japan, Canada, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

Note: The following updates pertain to driver installation steps described in Chapter 7 of the User's Guide.

Installing the CD-ROM Device Driver for DOS

In step 4, type UINSTALL and press Enter to install the CD-ROM device driver.

Installing the PC Card Driver for DOS

Before installing the PC Card Driver for DOS, you need to update your CONFIG.SYS file as follows:

1. Type CD \ at the DOS prompt and press Enter.
2. Type E CONFIG.SYS and press Enter.
3. After the statement DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS, add the following line


4. Press F4 to save and exit.
5. Reboot the computer.

Follow the steps discussed in the User's Guide to install the PC Card Driver for DOS.

Installing the Display Driver for Windows 95

Follow these steps to install the Display Driver for Windows 95:

1. Insert the Display Driver Diskette for Windows 95 into the diskette drive.
2. Select My Computer, Control Panel, and then Display.
3. Click on the Settings tab.
4. Click on the Advanced Properties button.
5. Click on the Change..button; then click on the Have Disk....button.
6. Type A:\ in the Copy manufacturer's files from dialog box and click on OK.
7. Choose Chips and Tech. 65550 PCI, then click on OK.
8. After the drivers have been copied, remove the Display Driver Diskette for Windows 95 from the diskette drive, then click on
Yes to restart the computer.

Installing the Audio Support Software for Windows 95

In step 3 (installing the audio software), type A:\SETUP in the Run...dialog box and click on OK.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Audio, CD-ROM Drives, Installation/Removal Procedures, PCMCIA (PC Card), Video

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 310

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