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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-39EC5C

PC Server 320 / 500 / 520 / 720 - Multiple DDD (Defunct) disks

Applicable to: World-Wide

Server 320/500/520/720 RAID Array systems may be unable to start the fixed disk drives if multiple drives are DDD (defunct). The following error message will be reported after selecting the "Replace" option in the RAID Option Diskette: "ERROR IN STARTING DRIVE..."

Using the procedure below, attempt to restart each drive with the "REPLACE" option on the RAID Option Diskette. The "REPLACE" option will bring every functional drive back to an ONL state except the last drive in each array, which must be rebuilt. If any drive (other than the last one) fails to return to an ONL status, that drive may require replacement. Leave the failing drive out of the array, return the other functional drives to an ONL status, then install and rebuild the replacement drive.

A. Physically disconnect ALL DEFUNCT DRIVES, except the one you are trying to start.

B. With the one defunct drive installed, select the "REPLACE" option in the REPLACE/REBUILD menu to start the drive.

C. Once started, you can insert the next defunct drive and start it. Use this procedure to isolate and replace a suspected failing drive.

D. Continue until all (functional) defunct drives have been started. The last drive of each array will report an OFL status. To bring the drive back to an ONL state, rebuild the drive using the "REBUILD" option on the RAID utility diskette.

Note: DDD means defunct, not defective. A defunct drive will not respond to commands from the RAID controller. This could be caused by factors external to the fixed disk itself.

Problem Isolation Aids
If more than one drive appears defunct, all drives should not be defective; data may not be lost. It is possible for one failing drive to cause one or more OTHER drives on the same backplane to appear as DDD. This can occur when the user performs any operation that resets the SCSI bus after the original drive problem.

Also refer to Record H132397.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Hard Drives

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 320, PC Server 500, PC Server 520, PC Server 720

Machine Type

8640, 8641, 8642




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