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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3FCK8F

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IBM PC730/750 - Recovering from software problems (Type 68x7)

Applicable to: World-Wide

Recovering from Software Problems (Type 68X7):

The following software-related information is also included in the About Your Software booklet supplied with certain model IBM PC Computers. It is included here for reference only.

This section provides information and procedures to help a customer recover from problems that prevent either OS/2 Warp or DOS from starting. To follow many of these procedures, you will need the following diskettes that were created when the computer was initially installed.
OS/2 Warp Utility Diskettes
PC DOS 7 Diskettes

1. If these diskettes are not available and a problem with the computer prevents you from making them now, you can make them from another IBM Personal Computer that has the same version of PC DOS and OS/2 Warp installed.
2. PC DOS 7.0 Disk 1 is a multipurpose diskette. It not only is the starting point for installing DOS 7, it is also a general-purpose utility diskette.

Utility Diskettes:
Utility diskettes help you correct problems when you cannot start your computer from the hard disk.

The utility diskettes contain programs that allow you to start an editor program, check your hard disk for errors or problems, view and define hard disk partition information, and format a diskette or hard disk. The OS/2 Warp utility diskettes also contain programs that allow you to back up and restore OS/2 Warp. The preinstalled software includes programs to create utility diskettes for both DOS and OS/2 Warp. Make these utility diskettes at the earliest opportunity.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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Product Family

PC 730, PC 750

Machine Type

6877, 6887



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