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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3CND6B

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IBM ValuePoint - Type 64xx hard disk drive test select menu

Applicable to: World-Wide

Hard Disk Drive Test Select Menu:
This menu allows you to test the hard disk drive and the integrated controller.

Hard Disk Drive 0
Hard Disk Drive Test Select Menu

1 - Self-Diagnostics
2 - Seek Test
3 - Write, Read, Compare (on test cylinder)
4 - Error Detection and Correction
5 - Run Tests 1 through 4
6 - Read Verify
7 - Format Hard Disk

Press Esc to exit or select a number and press Enter.

1. Self-Diagnostics: Runs self tests on the hard disk drive.
2. Seek Test: Sequentially moves the hard disk heads inward one cylinder at a time until the last cylinder is reached. The heads then reset to the first cylinder and a random seek test is performed.
3. Write, Read, Compare (on test cylinder): Data is written to the test cylinder by each hard disk head; the data is then read and checked for any errors.
4. Error Detection and Correction: Tests the hard disk error checking and correction circuits by reading data, altering the data, and writing the data on the test cylinder. A comparison test is made to detect any errors.
5. Run Tests 1 through 4: Runs tests 1, 2, 3, and 4; also reads track 0.
6. Read Verify: A read operation is performed on the entire hard disk drive; any tracks that cannot be read are reported with existing defects.
7. Format Hard Disk: Selects the Format Selection menu for the hard disk drives.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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6472, 6482, 6492, 6484, 6494




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