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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-39MEPB

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TP 365X/XD - Keyboard problem causing hibernation and suspend mode sticking

Applicable to: World-Wide

On the 365X and 365XD, when the ON/OFF button is pressed it seems to come out of "hibernation" or "suspend" for couple seconds and then goes right back into it again.

Any ThinkPad 365X or XD experiencing the problem indicated above.

There is a switch under the keyboard that is not going all the way down so the computer thinks the keyboard is open, even though it is not. This is not the "lid switch".

To verify if this is the problem, open the keyboard and about in the middle, but just to the right of the middle, and towards the back, there is a black switch that gets pushed down when the keyboard is closed. There is a little black pad on the bottom of the keyboard that pushes this switch down.

Hold down the switch with your finger, and hit the ON/OFF button again. If the computer works fine, then this is the problem.

You will want to contact the IBM PC HelpCenter in your area () and they can make arrangements to send you keyboard spacer. This is a little black pad that is placed on the underside of the keyboard, where the switch is located, to ensure that it is being pressed down when the keyboard is closed.

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Power, Input Devices

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 365X/XD

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