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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: PFAN-3NAATX

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TP Docks - IDE & SCSI Fixing Kits

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
There is a great deal of confusion as to which fixing kit will support the IBM ThinkPad hard disks, standard IDE hard disks, and SCSI hard disks in an IBM Dock I and Dock II. Below are details as to what is possible along with the kits required.

IBM Dock I

Device 1" Bay

555MB Tape Drive This device is NOT supported in the IBM Dock I as there
are no device drivers to drive the SCSI device.

1" High SCSI Drive To mount a 1" high SCSI Hard Disk you need the Dock I/II
l SCSI kit (PN. 66G3513). The drive attaches directly
to the internal SCSI cables in the Dock I.

Half Height SCSI Drive Drive will not physically fit in this bay.

1" High IDE Drive To mount a 1" high IDE Hard Disk you need the Dock I/II
Internal SCSI kit (PN. 66G3513). You also need the IDE
(60pin-to-40pin) cable which comes with Dock I to attach
drive to Dock I.

ThinkPad Hard Disk To mount a ThinkPad Hard Disk drive in the IBM Dock I bay
you need the Dock I internal IDE disk drive installation
kit (PN. 66G3502).

Dock I/II CD-ROM kit This kit (CD_ROM) simply slides into the peripheral device
bay and attaches to the Dock I via the internal SCSI


Device Left Bay (1" Bay) Right Bay (Half Height)

555MB Tape Drive No kits needed, the device Will NOT fit in right hand
slides into bay and attaches bay at all. Not supported in
to internal SCSI cable. right hand bay.

1" High SCSI Drive Need Dock I/II Internal SCSI Need desktop Hard Drive
kit (PN. 66G3513). Use the installation kit (part number
mounting bracket for this OHKITAY) and mount the
kit. drive in one of the trays.

Half Height SCSI Drive Drive will not physically fit Need desktop Hard Drive
in this bay. installation kit (part number
OHKITAY) and mount the
drive in one of the trays.

1" High IDE Drive Need Dock I/II Internal SCSI Need desktop Hard Drive
kit (PN. 66G3513). Use one of installation kit (part number
the mounting brackets to OHKITAY) and mount the
mount this drive. You will also drive in one of the trays.
need the 8" IDE cable (60pin- You will also need the 8"
to-40pin) that comes with the IDE cable (60pin-to-40pin)
Dock II. This cable is grey that comes with the Dock II.
and green. This ribbon cable is grey
and green.

ThinkPad Hard Disk To mount a drive in the left You can not install the
hand bay you need the ThinkPad drive in the right
Dock I internal IDE disk drive hand bay as the Dock I
installation kit (PN. 66G3502). Internal IDE disk drive
Sometimes the cable to installation kit (Part Number
connect this to Dock II is very 66G3502) cable will NOT
tight - see page 47 of Dock II reach to the connector in
user guide. the Dock II. This is NOT
going to be fixed by

Dock I/II CD-ROM kit This kit (CD_ROM) can be Will NOT fit in right hand
mounted in the left hand bay- bay at all. This device is
it simply slides into the bay NOT supported in the
and attaches to the internal right hand bay.
SCSI cable.

The Dock II IDE cable which allows users to connect standard IDE hard drives into the left/right hand bay of the IBM Dock II ships in the cable group with a part/fru number of 84G5253. The description for this part is SCSI cable but the cable group contains of the IDE cable, SCSI cable, and CD-ROM Audio cable.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Docking/Port Replicators

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad Docking Stations

Machine Type

3545, 3546




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