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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-3DKSF4

5250 Emulation PCI Adapter - Information about the Option Diskette

Applicable to: World-Wide

Included with the 5250 Emulation PCI Adapter is a diskette called the "Emulation PCI Adapter Option Diskette with Adapter Support". This diskette has diagnostics to test the PCI adapter and a number of updated drivers to allow the following IBM applications to run on the new PCI adapter:

- Enhanced Link for DOS
- Client Access for DOS, Windows 3.1 and Windows 95
- Personal Communications AS/400 for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95

The diskette contains an install program that allows the user to select the application he wishes to update. After making the selection, the drivers are applied. Below is a list of how the install program works for IBM Emulation software packages:

Client Access for DOS :
For Client Access for DOS the file E5250AH.COM is copied to the directory the user specifies. The default directory he is presented with is C:\PCS. If the driver is older than 7/16/94 or newer than the new PCI driver (8/26/96) then the new driver is not installed.

Client Access for Windows 3.1 :
For Client Access for Windows 3.1, the file VDTWINX.386 is copied to the directory specified in the CAWIN stanza in WIN.INI. If the driver is older than 1/6/95 or newer than the new PCI driver (9/17/96) then the new driver is not installed.

Client Access for Windows 95 :
For Client Access for Windows 95, the file VDTWINX.386 (this one is has modifications specific to Windows 95 and is different than the Win3.1 version) is copied to the install directory specified in the Windows 95 registry. If the driver is newer than the new PCI driver (9/17/96) then the new driver is not installed. If the driver can be installed, then system.ini is backed up to system.525 and the following 3 statements are added to the 386Enh stanza:

device=\full path to ca400 win95\VDTWINX.386 ;Added by 5250 PCI
device=\full path to ca400 win95\VDNSWQ.386 ;Added by 5250 PCI
vdnswqheapsize=24 ;Added by 5250 PCI

If the user runs the install program again, the system.ini statements will not be added again. The following are all the additional files installed for CA Win95 to support the other twinax adapters. We included these drivers for the user that has other machines that he can upgrade and stop using the DOS driver for his twinax connections. Please inform your support organization that this installation option should work for the other twinax adapters.

PCSTDBOT.LEX - supports Namakan card
PCSTDOCM.LEX - supports Namakan card
PCSTDLC.DAT - used for supporting ISA card

The PCI user's guide tells the user that installing the CA Win95 drivers on his other non-PCI machines where he is using the DOS driver will cause the "your machine's perfomance will be degraded because you are running a DOS TSR" message to go away and his PC's performance will increase. That message is a mad message for the customer to be seeing.

The install program and the PCI user's guide instructs the user to remove E5250AH.COM and NSTWINX.EXE from their autoexec.bat and EMM386 from their config.sys if they had previously installed them to obtain a connection using one of the other twinax adapters.

Personal Communications for Windows 3.1 :
For PCOMM for Windows 3.1, the file VTDLCD.386 is copied to the directory specified in the PCSWIN stanza in WIN.INI. If the installed version is not 4.1 or later as specified in PCSMAINT.TXT in the installed directory or the currently installed driver is newer than the new PCI driver, then the new driver is not installed. The keyword that is searched for in PCSMAINT.TXT is E5250VER.

Personal Communications for Windows 95 :
For PCOMM for Windows 95, the file PDLWATWV.VXD is copied to the \windows\system directory. If the installed version is not 4.1 or later as specified in the windows 95 registry or the currently installed driver is newer than the new PCI driver then the new driver is not installed. The first keyword looked for in the registry is:

DisplayNameIBM Personal Communications
followed by:

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Diagnostics, Hardware Installation/Configuration

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IBM Options

Product Family

Emulation Adapters

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