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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3CMMFE

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IBM ValuePoint - Type 64xx diagnostic and test information

Applicable to: World-Wide

Diagnostics and Test Information:
The following information is helpful when diagnosing computer problems on types 6472, 6482, 6484, 6492, and 6494.

Power-On Self Test:
Each time you power-on the computer, the power-on self test (POST) is initiated. The POST takes up to 90 seconds to complete, depending on the options installed.

The POST checks the following:
System board
Hard disk drive(s)
Diskette drive(s)
Parallel port
Serial port(s)

To start the POST, power-on the display and the computer.
The following happens:
1. The following icon

appears at the upper-right corner of the display. Pressing F1 at this time causes the Configuration Utility menu to appear after the POST has completed.
2. A count of the computer memory appears at the upper-left corner of the display.

You can press Esc to speed through the memory count during POST.

3. If an error is detected, an error code appears under the computer memory count.

Memory errors appear as 2XX in the upper-left corner of the display (X can be a number or letter).

4. Successful completion of POST is attained when there are no errors detected in the computer.
5. The computer attempts to load the operating system. If an operating system is not found, a graphic message (icon) is displayed requesting the user to insert a diskette into drive A and press the F1 key to resume operation.
6. If a critical error is encountered, the POST is halted.

Diagnostics Diskette:

Use the ValuePoint Advanced Diagnostics Diskette Type 5 for all models in this supplement. For systems preloaded with Windows, QAPlus/WIN for ValuePoint is available in the Windows environment as an additional diagnostic aid.

The diagnostics program is intended to test only ValuePoint Models 6472, 6482, 6484, 6492, and 6494. Other products, prototype cards, or modified options can give false errors and invalid computer responses.

To load the diagnostics diskette:
1. Power-off the computer.
2. Install the diagnostics diskette in Drive A.
3. Power-on the computer.
4. Do not press F1 when the icon appears.
5. If any POST error(s) appear after POST, make a note of the error(s) and press the Esc key.
6. An IBM hardware diagnostics logo screen appears, followed by the Diagnostic Diskette Main Menu.
7. Select ¿Test the System.—
8. If you want to test diskette drives, you will need a formatted test diskette for each diskette drive in your system. Press Y or N, then press Enter.

Press F1 for repair action and help whenever ¿F1=?— appears in the upper right corner of the screen.

64XX Diagnostic Menus:
The following menus are available in the advanced diagnostics tests.

Diagnostic Diskette Main Menu

This menu appears each time the diskette is loaded.

Diagnostic Diskette Main Menu
1 - Test the System
2 - Create Test Diskette
3 - Backup Hardware Diagnostic Diskette
4 - Display Error Log
5 - Access the Editor
6 - Display System Information

Press Esc to exit or select a number and press Enter.

1. Test the System: Starts the computer checkout procedure. Follow the instructions on the screen run the tests.
2. Create Test Diskette: Formats a scratch diskette for diagnostic use only.
3. Backup Hardware Diagnostic Diskette: Copies the ValuePoint Diagnostic Diskette to another diskette.
4. Display Error Log: Displays information in the error log.
5. Access the Editor: Starts a text editor for DOS based text files.
6. Display System Information: Displays memory map, device drivers, hardware configuration, and the DOS environment.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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Product Family


Machine Type

6472, 6482, 6492, 6484, 6494




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