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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DSET-3G3ENW

Aptiva - 2144/2168 (SL-C) Install tips for OS/2 Warp

Applicable to: United States

There are different packages based on the version of Warp being installed.
1. WAPTIVA is for Warp for Windows (Red box)

You get two diskettes plus instructions:
1. A D1 or D2 replacement diskette to fix an IDE CDROM problem. (depends on whether you have a CD or Diskette version of Warp).
2. An application update diskette which you run after installation. This make the appropriate setting changes for certain apps.

2. WFPAPT is for Warp with Windows (Blue box)
You get one diskette plus instructions:

1. An application update diskette which you run after installation. This make the appropriate setting changes for certain apps.
Rapid Resume *does* work on an Aptiva with Warp. The updates in the WAPTIV PACKAGE support it. Its documented in the APTIVA DOC file. (The procedure is written for a Dual-Boot installation so if you are using Boot Manager you need to make the appropriate adjustment.)

The WAPTIV's UPDATE.CMD will automatically setup your STARTUP.CMD file to use Rapid Resume by calling PS1FILE. You do *not* have to set up a special PS1PART partition unless you have totally wiped out your DOS/WIN FAT partition - the RR file must be on a FAT partition, that's all.

If you have both Rapid Resume and "Reload Device Drivers" enabled on an Aptiva with Boot Manager (set to boot DOS by default) and then turn off the power while in a Warp session you may be surprised to see the Aptiva start up by booting DOS. Don't panic! It is simply reloading the device drivers like you told it to. The device drivers are the DOS device drivers! Once the drivers are loaded and the boot sequence hits the RESUME statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT Rapid Resume will load and restart, yes, WARP! Note: if you select Warp from the Boot Manager menu you will get a CHKDSK.

The trouble with this setup is that you have to know how the machine was powered-off in order to power it on correctly. A couple of things to know if you are planning to install WARP on an APTIVA and use Boot Manager and the Aptiva
Recovery diskette:

1. The Pre-Load on the CD-ROM has assigned the drive C: as the location for all the Aptiva Ware. Thus, don't create a partition with another drive letter and try to store the Pre-Load there. It will lead to all kinds of problems.

2. The Recovery diskette requires that the DOS partition comes first. If you try to put Boot Manager first, when you go to use the Recovery diskette you will get errors saying "Bad Partition Table" and will be unable to proceed.

The real problem is that the active partition is set to boot manager, not the C: drive. If you get the partition table error here is an alternate procedure that works:

1. Boot Aptiva recovery disks and exit to DOS if the partition table error occurs.
2. Run FDISK (the DOS version on the Aptiva recovery disk)
3. Set the C: (DOS/WIN) partition active.
4. Reboot the Aptiva recovery disks, the reload procedure will now work.
5. Test the C: partition by rebooting, if happy go to 6.
6. Boot Warp installation disks and exit to OS/2.
7. Run FDISK (OS/2 version) and set Bootmanager active.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

OS/2, Software Installation/Configuration

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family

Aptiva, PS/1

Machine Type

2168, 2144


1R2; 66P; 67P; 86P; OR8; 1R1; 1R3; 1R5; 22P; 24P; 25P; 27P; 29P; 63P; 67P; 82P; 83P; OR6; OR7; OR9; 1R0; 1R1; 26P; 62P


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