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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-39ECTL

PC Server 500 - Advanced diagnostic hang in loop mode

Applicable to: World-Wide

The Server 500 (8641) Advanced Diagnostics hang when running in loop mode. When running in single test mode, no failures occur.

Problem background
The SVGA adapter diagnostic reads and saves the POS (Programmable Option Select) register data from all installed adapters during the "Presence Test." At "run time," the SVGA diagnostic disables other installed adapters through POS 102, runs its own tests, and then restores the POS register data to the other adapters.

The Dual Ethernet/Dual Token Ring adapter diagnostics change POS register 102 value during setup time, so an incorrect POS value is written back when the SVGA diagnostic completes, causing Dual Ethernet and Dual Token Ring diagnostics to hang.

There are two methods to work-around this situation:

1. When running Advanced Diagnostics:
a. Remove the SVGA diagnostic. (Delete this entry, from the diagnostic "Installed Devices" list.)
b. Run diagnostics with this altered configuration.
c. When the diagnostics complete, delete the Dual Ethernet Adapter or Token Ring Adapter diagnostic and reinstall the SVGA diagnostic.
d. Run the diagnostics again.
2. Because this problem only occurred in Loop Mode, by running the diagnostics individually, the problem will not occur.

Permanent Fix
The SVGA Adapter/A diagnostic has been corrected to read POS registers after setup has been run on all adapters. The fix was implemented in the Common Diagnostic Diskette version 2.32 or higher.

Problem Isolation Aids
The Following adapters are installed:
An SVGA Adapter/A, FRU P/N71G0650 and either:
1. A Dual Ethernet Adapter/A, FRU P/N73G7141,
2. A Dual Token Ring Adapter/A, FRU P/N73G7140.

Note: The SVGA adapter in the 8641 (Server 500) is not indentical to the SVGA-NI adapter in the Server95 (9595, 9595A, which is FRU P/N71G4877).

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Diagnostics, Lock-up/Hang

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 500

Machine Type




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