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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: SSCT-3JJHQL

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IBM PC Server/IBM PS/2 - Optical writable device driver will not load with IBM CD-ROM

Applicable to: World-Wide

After installing the writable optical drive (Option # 6450162) the message "Driver not loaded" is displayed when booting, and it fails to load the writable drive device driver. The system completes the boot and will work without error, but the writable optical drive will not be installed in the system.

Problem Isolation Aid:
Check for the following configuration:
1. PS/2 with IBM CD-ROM drive installed
2. PS/2 3.5" rewritable Optical drive (Option # 6450162)
3. DOS 4.0
If the above configuration exists, look in the config.sys file for a device driver "GENS386.SYS". If this device driver is present, there will be a data conflict with the writable optical drive and the IBM CD-ROM drive which will cause the writable driver not to load.

Only very old CD-ROM applications require the GENS386.SYS driver to be installed. This driver must be removed the config.sys to allow the optical drive to be installed. Once the driver is removed the customer may experience problems with some CD-ROM applications. If this occurs the customer should obtain the latest version of their CD-ROM application. The latest version of all CD-ROM applications do not require the GENS386 driver. As an alternative, the upgrading to DOS 5.0 will supply DOS DMA Services and GENS386 will no longer be required on any application.

PSY2 PSY2ADPT D/T9576 D/T9556
D/T9557 D/T9577 D/T8550 D/T8555
D/T8560 D/T8565 D/T8570 D/T8580
D/T8590 D/T8595 PSY2CNFG D/T9595

Search Keywords

CD-ROM, DOS, Optical Drives

Hint Category

CD-ROM Drives, Retain

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Product Family


Machine Type

8550, 8555, 8556, 8557, 8560, 8565, 8570, 8573, 8580, 8590, 8595, 9533, 9553, 9556, 9557, 9576, 9577




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