410.134 bytes

System Support Disks

Document ID: DSHY-45ZLX7

TP 390E - Hibernation Utility diskette

Applicable to: World-Wide


Prior to using hibernation mode, you need to create a hibernation file or a hibernation partition on the hard drive. This package provides the hibernation utility program which creates the hibernation file or the hibernation partition.

The following models are supported:
- ThinkPad 390E


Name & Size (bytes)
uttpqhib.exe : 395782
uttpqhib.txt : 3551


The following disk images can be detached and diskettes created from them.
For more help on handling file attachments click on this doclink

Disk Release Date:


Disk Version/Release:


Additional Information:

For instructions and limitations on creating the diskette, click here:

Prior to using hibernation mode, you need to create a hibernation file or a hibernation partition on the hard drive.

Installation Guide

Hibernation File
You can create a hibernation file under the following environment, but make sure there is enough free space in any partition of the 1st hard disk.
- FAT16 file system (DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, OS/2)
- FAT32 file system (Windows 95, Windows 98)

Hibernation Partition
You can create hibernation partition in the 1st hard disk under the following environment, but make sure the hard disk has not been partitioned.
- All file systems except Windows NT NTFS file system (DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 FAT, OS/2)

How to Install:

1. Insert the Hibernation Utility Diskette into the diskette drive.
2. Power on the system.
3. The following instructions will appear.

Please Choose one action from (1, 2, 3):
1. Create partition
2. Create file
3. Reboot
Enter a selection(1):

Please key in '2', and press Enter key if you want to create a hibernation file.

4. The following instruction will appear:
Please input Drive Name ( C ):

5. Key in any logical drive name (C, D, etc. which is in the 1st hard disk, and press Enter key. For example; C

7. The following instruction will appear:
Please input size(Minimal: xxxxx)KB:

8. Press Enter key. Wait a few minutes until the following message appears on the screen.
Please Choose one action from (1, 2):
1. Create file
2. Delete file
3. Reboot
Enter a selection(1):

9. Key in '3', and press Enter key. Remove the Diskette from the diskette driver, and follow the instructions.

Summary of Changes
- (New) Initial release for ThinkPad 390E

Search Keywords

Disk Category

Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Utility, DOS/Windows 3.x, OS/2

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date


IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 390

Machine Type



AAA; AAB; AAC; AAD; A0U; CAJ; C0A; C0C; C0F; C0H; C0K; C0M; C0P; C0S; C0T; C0U; C00; C5J; D0A; D0C; D0E; D0F; D0H; D0J; D0K; D0M; D0P; D0S; D0T; DOU; D00; D5J; ENA; ENF; ENJ; ENM; ENU; EN0; E0A; E0C; E0F; E0H; E0J; E0K; E0M; E0P; E0S; E0T; E0U; E00; 90A; 90C; 90F; 90H; 90J; 90K; 90M; 90P; 90S; 90T; 90U; 900; 95J


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