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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3CEHQB

PC Server 320/520 - Micro Channel processor planar jumper settings

Applicable to: World-Wide

8640/8641 Micro Channel Processor Planar Jumper Settings

For the PC Server 320 Micro Channel Systems, there are two System board FRUs: FRU p/n 96G1340 supports 75MHz and 90MHz only. FRU p/n 96G3694 supports 75MHz, 90MHz, 100MHz, and 133MHz.

For the PC Server 520 Micro Channel Systems, there is one System board FRU: FRU p/n 96G2648 supports 75MHz, 90MHz, 100MHz, and 133MHz.

In addition there are two versions of 96G3694 and 96G2648: Original planar (Level D & E): No J1, J12 (2-pin), J43 (6-pin). New planar (Level G): J1 (3-pin), J12 (3-pin), J43 (6-pin).

On the new planar (Level G), a new jumper J1 (3-pin) was added AND J12 was changed from a 2-pin to a 3-pin jumper. Jumpers J1, J12 and J43 control the processor speed.

J1 (new planar) is located to the left of the processor and J12.
J12 is located to the left of the processor.
J43 is located a little less than halfway down the system board beneath the processors. It has three double jumpers (6-pins) corresponding to each oscillator located right beneath the processors. The three oscillators from left to right are 50, 60, and 66 MHz. When you jumper the pins, you are grounding its corresponding oscillator thus disabling it.

Below are diagrams indicating the pin orientation and numbering scheme with respect to the edge of the planar. Refer to the diagram on the system frame or door for additional information.

(Original) (New)
Edge of Level D & E Planar Edge of Level G Planar
____________________________ _______________________________

1 . . 2 1 . . 2
3 . . 4 3 . . 4
5 . . 6 5 . . 6
(J43) (J43)

1 . 1 . 1 .
2 . 2 . 2 .
(J12) 3 . 3 .
(J1) (J12)


(Original) (Original) (New)
Level D Level E Level G
| | 96G1340 (320)| N/A | N/A |
| FRU | N/A | 96G3694 (320) | 96G3694 (320) |
| | 96G2648 (520)| 96G2648 (520) | 96G2648 (520) |
| Jumper | | | |
|________ | J12 J43 | J12 J43 | J1 J12 J43 |
| |2-pin 6-pin | 2-pin 6-pin |3-pin 3-pin 6-pin |
|Processor| | | |
|50/75MHz |open 3-4,5-6| open 3-4,5-6 | 1-2 1-2 3-4,5-6|
|60/90MHz |open 1-2,5-6| open 1-2,5-6 | 1-2 1-2 1-2,5-6|
| | (320 only) | | |
|66/100MHz|open 1-2,3-4 | open 1-2,3-4 | 1-2 1-2 1-2,3-4|
| | (520 only) | | |
|66/133MHz|NOT Supported | 1-2 1-2,3-4 | 1-2 2-3 1-2,3-4|
| | | | |

SAS Keywords :
UNCLASSIFIED 96G1340 96G3694 96G2648

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Processors, Retain

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 320, PC Server 520

Machine Type

8640, 8641




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