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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DDSE-3QNJF7

PC Server 704 - Diagnostic tests

Applicable to: World-Wide

Diagnostics (QAPlus/PRO)

The following tools are available to help identify and resolve hardware-related problems, the table below gives a summary of them, more information is provided further on:


Power-On Self Test (POST)
POST Beep Codes
Test Programs
Error Messages
Return Codes

Diagnostic Test 1:
Power-On Self-Test (POST)
Each time you power-on the system, it performs a series of tests that check the operation of the system and some options. This series of tests is called the power-on self-test , or POST. POST does the following:
Checks some basic system-board operations
Checks the memory operation
Starts the video operation
Detects and initializes ISA devices
Detects and configures EISA devices
Detects and configures PCI devices
Verifies that the diskette drive, &hdd., and other installed devices are working

Check the indicator lights on the front of the server and the back of the power supplies. Verify that all server devices are operating properly. If a device is not operating properly, ensure that it is not defective and is installed correctly. Replace defective devices and reinstall any device that is not installed correctly.

If POST finishes without detecting any problems, a single beep sounds and the first screen of the operating system or application program appears. If no operating system is installed, the system prompts you to insert a startable diskette.

If POST detects a problem, an error message appears on the screen. A single problem can cause several error messages to appear. When you correct the cause of the first error message, the other error messages probably will not appear on the screen the next time you power-on the system.

Diagnostic Test 2:
POST Beep Codes
The Power-On Self-Test generates a beeping sound to indicate successful completion of POST or to indicate that the tests detect an error. One beep and the appearance of text on the display indicates successful completion of the POST. More than one beep indicates that the POST detects an error.

Diagnostic Test 3:
Test Programs
The QAPlus/PRO test programs, developed by DiagSoft for IBM, are the primary method of testing the PC Server. You can use them to test the IBM components of
the system and some external devices. The amount of time required to test all components depends on the number of components. The more optional adapters and devices you have attached to your system, the longer the testing takes.

The test programs on the Diagnostic Diskette include the following features:





Identifies most problems associated with the following major components:
System board
Hard disk drives
Diskette drives
CD-ROM drives
Serial and parallel ports
Video adapter

Allows you to:
Run groups of tests in batch Specify parameters to use for each test for example, video modes, disk cylinders, port addresses, and so on)
Specify the number of passes you want to run (one to continuous)
Log the test results to a text dBase (DBF) format file
Save all test settings for future use
View System Information
View the server's configuration information. (For example, you can view the IRQ/DMA assignments, memory usage, device drivers, and so on.)
Select System Utilities
Format a diskette

Diagnostic Test 4
Error Messages:
Messages generated by the software¬the operating system or application programs¬generally are text messages, but they also can be numeric. Basically, there are five types of error messages.
POST error messages
Diagnostic error messages
POST beep codes
Software generated messages.
Multiple messages

Error Description

POST Displayed when POST finds problems with
Error the hardware or detects change in the hardware
Messages configuration.

POST Sounds emitted from the speaker if POST finds
Beep a problem. One beep indicates POST completed
Codes sucessfully. Multiple beeps indicate a problem
was found by the POST.

Diagnostic Displayed when a test program finds a problem
Error with a hardware option.

Software Dispalyed if a problem or conflict is found
Generated by an application program, the operating
Error system or both. For an explanation of these
Messages messages, refer to the information supplied
with the software package.

Multiple The first error that occurs can cause
Messages additional errors. Follow the suggested
action of the first error displayed. In this
case, the system displays more than one error
message. Always follow the suggested action
instructions for the first error message

Diagnostic Test 5
Return Codes:
For the test programs to properly determine if a test Passed, Failed , or Aborted , the test programs check the error-return code at test completion. To register the test properly in the test log, the test programs must generate one of the following return codes:

Return Description

0 Indicates that the device passed its test.

1 Indicated that the device failed its test.

2 or Indicates that the test stopped or was
greater aborted.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Diagnostics, Hardware Maintenance Information

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 704

Machine Type




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