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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3H4RTY

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TP 760E - DIMM Adapter Clarification

Applicable to: World-Wide

There is a lot of confusion about 760E DIMM adapters and when they should and should not be replaced. Many DIMM adapters are getting replaced needlessly.

The PC Company HelpCenter is working on updating ECA 9546 ECA001, but this note may help now.

The following DIMM adapters are all GOOD levels. However there are some combinations of System Board and DIMM adapter that could cause boot problems when used together. FRU parts 39H6229, 46H6023, 83H7126, 83H7124

A chip was added to correct a memory problem. The chip was added originally to the DIMM Adapter card. The chip was later added to the System board. The chip must be present on the DIMM Adapter card OR the System Board OR Both to prevent the problem.

DIMM adapter FRU p/ns:
39H6229 - DIMM Adapter for systems that shipped with 16MB memory/ Without chip.
46H6023 - DIMM Adapter for systems that shipped with 8MB memory/ Without chip.
83H7126 - DIMM Adapter for systems that shipped with 16MB memory/ With chip.
83H7124 - DIMM Adapter for systems that shipped with 8MB memory/ With chip.

To determine which DIMM Adapter should be used, the System board must be identified. This is done by looking at the bar code label that is located near the FDD or CDROM connector. It is visible after removing the FDD or CDROM. Locate the part number listed in the barcode. For example 1MH39H2057Z1MXXAxxxxxxxxx. The 39H2057 must be noted. The position of the part number in the bar code should be the same as in this example.

If the part number on the barcode is on the following list, use the 83H7126 DIMM adapter for 16MB systems or 83H7124 DIMM Adapter for 8 MB systems:

If the part number on the barcode is not on the above list, use 39H6229 for 16 MB systems or 46H6023 for 8 MB Systems.
(Note: no problem will occur if either DIMM adapter is used on these systems). At the time of this note, the following cards can use the 39H6229 and 46H6023: 36H2614, 11J9153, 36H2615, 11J9155, 36H2616, 11J9157 but additional cards may be released in the future. The DIMM adapter card should not be suspected as causing a problem for the system boards listed in this paragraph.

Do Not change the DIMM adapter if it is not required.

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 760E, ThinkPad 760ED

Machine Type

9546, 9547




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