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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3NGPGE

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TP 755CD/CDV - Model CD Parts and HMM Information

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
The following is miscellaneous list of parts information for the ThinkPad 755CD:-
1. The blank plate that fits in place of the CD or diskette drive is FRU P/N85G1891. This will be in the next release of the HMM.

2. The Oct 94 HMM incorrectly lists the Rear FASCIA Panel on page 437 as P/N85G1918.
The correct FRU number is P/N85G1919. This will be corrected in the next release of the HMM.

3. The Mobile HMM dated October 1994 incorrectly lists the "Top Cover" as P/N84G1491 on page 512 index 5.
The correct part number is FRU P/N85G1491. This change will be included in the next printing of the manual.

4. The October 1994 ThinkPad HMM incorrectly lists the 755CD DSP card as P/N85G1498.
Part number 85G1498 is the original number of the 755CE DSP card. The volume control is a different height on the two cards.
There has also been a parts substitution on the DSP card. The new part numbers will automatically substitute when the correct
old numbers are ordered. The chart below documents the changes and the HMM correction:

755CD DSP Card 85G1918 85G8505
755CE DSP Card 85G1498 85G1140

5. 755CD/CDV area on page 384 reversed the FRU part numbers for the
"Connection Cable Microphone and the Internal Microphone Cable".

Connection Cable, Microphone P/N85G8495
Internal Microphone Cable P/N84G6559

Connection Cable, Microphone P/N84G6559
InternalMicrophone Cable P/N85G8495

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CD-ROM Drives

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 755CD, ThinkPad 755CDV

Machine Type





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