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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: JBAR-44JRLE

IBM PC300GL - System fails to boot Windows 98 after installation of NetFinity Services

Applicable to: World-Wide

System boots to C:\> prompt and displays message: 'Cannot find WIN.COM, unable to continue loading WINDOWS' after installing NetFinity Services from the Software Selections CD. This only occurs on machine type 62X7 300GL with Windows 98 and MS Office Small Business Edition.

Follow this procedure to edit the path statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that 2 path statements are merged:

  1. Change to the C:\WINDOWS directory and type: WIN to start Windows.
  2. From the Run command on the Start menu, type: SYSEDIT
  3. In the autoexec.bat file, find the 2 path statements. One will read: @PATH C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1;%PATH%.
    The other will read: C:\WNETFIN.
  4. Delete the line that reads: C:\WNETFIN. Edit the first path statement so it now reads:
  5. Save changes and close sysedit. This should leave only one path statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

Alternate solution: Remove the '@' symbol from the first path statement before installing NetFinity Services.

The NetFinity Services installation does not recognize the '@' symbol in the path statement of the preloaded AUTOEXEC.BAT file, so it adds a second statement pointing to the WNETFIN directory at the bottom of the file. Windows 98 will not be able to find the path to
WIN.COM if there are 2 path statements present in the autoexec.bat and the last one does not point to WIN.COM or end with '%path%.'

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Document Category

Windows 98, Netfinity Manager

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Product Family

PC 300GL

Machine Type

6267, 6277, 6287




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