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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3ACDGC

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Servers - Streamers not working under Windows NT v4.0

Applicable to: World-Wide

Subject :
Q156324 MCAFINDBUS fails to enumerate net cards Device Failure Message with Microchannel Network Adapter

Configuration :
Windows NT 4.0 Server and Windows NT 4.0 Workstation running on a system with a MicroChannel bus (MCA or PCI/MCA) and an IBM MicroChannel Streamer Family adapter: LANStreamer MC32, LANStreamer MC16, Auto LANStreamer MC32, Dual LANStreamer MC32, EtherStreamer MC32 or Dual EtherStreamer MC32.

Symptom :
During system startup, a Service Control Manager pop-up window appears with the following message:

"At least one service or driver failed during system startup.
Use Event Viewer to examine the event log for details."

Upon viewing the Event Viewer, the Service Control Manager posted an Event ID 7000 entry, which upon examining, shows the message:

"The IBM Streamer Family Driver service failed to start due to the following error:
A device attached to the system is not functioning."

Cause :
Microsoft identifies the MicroChannel slots as 0-7 instead of 1-8. Verify this mode of failure by RUNning 'regedt32'. Follow subkey SYSTEM, then subkey CurrentControlSet, then subkey Services, then subkey Streamer# (where number is 1,2,3, etc for each adapter installed).
View the SlotNumber value; it should be '0xS' where 'S' is the number of the slot in which the adapter is installed (i.e., '0x3' for slot 3).

Status :
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem, but has now posted an item in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. They provided a version of the fix to IBM for confirmation of corrective action. A new NDIS.SYS file (size 122,224 bytes) has been tested and shown to correct the problem. Contact Microsoft Technical Support for a copy of the file.

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Adapter Cards

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IBM PC Server

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